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  1. doh

    Something happened to D'oh!!!!

    I was going to say!! THAT WAS THE FIRST I HEARD OF IT!! lol! :) Thanks!
  2. doh

    Should Prostitute Be Legal?

    Correct. It aired for less than one season and then there was a DVD film made.
  3. doh

    It is the Random Question Game.... :):):):)

    Any time when humanity has learned to get along! No violence or anything! And the question: What is the one thing in life you could NOT live without!
  4. doh

    Hearing Impaired

    I find it hard to call myself deaf because...i'm not. :) I'm hard of hearing, i have trouble understanding what people say... People tend to assume "deaf" means hearing problems worse than what I have. I don't want to mislead anyone. My wife tells people I'm deaf - maybe she's more accepting...
  5. doh

    Which do you like the best?

    I'd rather have a pita! The Pita Pit - Fresh Thinking, Healthy Eating sooo good!! But they dont exist in the UK (Only US/Canada/Japan!) so I voted Subway. I have one every day for breakfast on the way to work. ;)
  6. doh

    Busting WBHarley!!!

    happy birthday :)
  7. doh

    Should Prostitute Be Legal?

    Firefly is awesome !! Fox cancelled it tooooo early. :(
  8. doh

    How would you define ... ? :D

    slight hard of hearing.... but bearbeauty is right.
  9. doh

    What About Other Sign Languages?

    I'm sure the RNID and equivelant organisations around the world would provide you with material to learn BSL (or whatever). Although to learn NTS (Norsk Tegnspråk - Norwegian Signlanguage) material would probably be in Norwegian and not English! I'd start off the same way as I would learn any...
  10. doh

    Db levels

    Thanks. That is most helpful. :)
  11. doh

    Should Prostitute Be Legal?

    Of course it should be legal!. Becoming a licensed companion could be a means to control safety and health.
  12. doh

    Female or Male gender

    I'm a girl doh! :)
  13. doh

    "What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

    A long time ago when I was first using IRC I needed to think of a nickname to use. The Simpsons was on TV and Homer said "D'oh!" and so I took the nick 'doh' to use. It's been with me for about 1995.
  14. doh

    Funny Situations that have happened cuz of your deafness

    This sort of thing can happen with ADD too! I've ruined so many dinners because I simply forgot something was cooking.
  15. doh

    RIM Officially Announced BlackBerry Curve!

    Hi! I own a BlackBerry 8800 and I wanted to give a little feedback. Two bossmen bought a BlackBerry Curve after being jealous of my own BB (:D). When they arrived to the office I picked one up and it felt light, like a toy. :( It was much lighter than my BB8800 and as a result felt less sturdy...
  16. doh

    Funny Situations that have happened cuz of your deafness

    I amuse myself with the things I mishear. The most amusing in recent memory is: "...where the spanking machine is?" I looked at her really strangely and sputtered out: "WHAT?!" What she actually said was: "Do you know where the franking machine is?" (Franking is the marking of mail by a...
  17. doh

    I found a Legit free site on how to get paid to take surveys

    My employer pays people to take surveys. But I doubt anyone here is in the age bracket - that department does youth research. :)
  18. doh

    do they have deaf she-male in england ??????

    No; "transsexual" would be. Somehow I don't expect posted here to understand or care. As you were.
  19. doh

    BlackBerry 8800 Rumored

    I bought a BlackBerry 8800 yesterday from Orange and it seems okay so far. Still getting the hang of it. We'll see what my coworkers say tomorrow! edit: this is post 100!
  20. doh

    NEW!! Survivor 14~ Fiji Islands....

    good season so far