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  1. sweetstrawberry

    The Return of LeviathanC

  2. sweetstrawberry

    People can now :wackit: to Internet porn in the port-a-shitter

    ohhhh interest.. if i see anything place or other thing about this toilet then i won't touch it but i can look around and what's look like and i guess bill is horny cuz he need women's porn while he's jack off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. sweetstrawberry

    attn: Eternity

    oh awww so cute pix of your daughter.:)
  4. sweetstrawberry

    I would like to INDRODUCTION about ME!

    Hi Italian Paco, Welcome to AD!
  5. sweetstrawberry


    welcome to AD!
  6. sweetstrawberry

    Who I am? :)

    HI, Welcome to AD and Enjoy your stay!:)
  7. sweetstrawberry

    Adult/Nudity Forum

  8. sweetstrawberry

    What annoy YOU, as a hearing person, about the Deaf?

    I don't care if the hearing person is blah blah about me.. that's their plm. that's who's hearing person have learn how is deaf culture. i can ignore hearing person who's don't like deaf culture i guess i'm wrong but just my opinion. sorry
  9. sweetstrawberry

    Anybody have ferrets? Share your pix here!

    oh awww, sooo cutie!!!!! i love it.. i want one someday damn it LOL it's beauitful ferrets pixs.
  10. sweetstrawberry

    3 guys caught kevbo....

    oh yes, of course! LOL
  11. sweetstrawberry

    I'm new

    :lol: @ chel! Welcome to ADv2 and enjoy your stay!
  12. sweetstrawberry

    Hey y'all

    welcome to adv2 I like your signture it's cool.:D
  13. sweetstrawberry

    CräääZZZYyy from GermanyYyy

    welcome to ADv2! enjoy your stay! :D
  14. sweetstrawberry

    Today is Alex's Birthday!!!

    sorry for say late birthday to you so now i say to you that Happy Birthday to you!!!! :D
  15. sweetstrawberry

    today, t e d d y

    CONGRATS both of you!
  16. sweetstrawberry


    bye and hope will see you soon!
  17. sweetstrawberry

    Reasons why you're on AllDeaf

    i would like come here for good time if i'm boring.
  18. sweetstrawberry

    Wild Nite out

    wild night man!!!!!!!!