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  1. iMaisie

    I'm The Deaf One. Feeling Like I'm Holding Him Back.

    Hi OP, I'm also in a relationship with a hearie. We did have similar problems at the start of our relationship. We also met online and were long-distance. Patience is key, really. Be patient with your relationship and with each other. Maybe with your significant other up for ASL classes...
  2. iMaisie

    Do You Want To Protect Yourself From Attack?

    I kind of disagree with this. Could you imagine a club full of panicked people armed? Bullets would be flying everywhere. If anything, more people would be hurt. I believe in strict-gun control. There's no reason for anyone whom is not in the armed forces to have a gun. Take Scotland for...
  3. iMaisie

    Does Anybody Get This As Well?

    I think I may have given you this advise before but my top tip for most situations is to be prepared before you walk into the place and write down everything that you want to say to the person either on a note on your phone or on paper. Like, we're lucky that in Scotland we have pay in...
  4. iMaisie

    Forever tired at this point..

    Forever tired at this point..
  5. iMaisie

    Just saw this. Thank you. My lecturer is giving me a second chance at remediation. Here's hoping...

    Just saw this. Thank you. My lecturer is giving me a second chance at remediation. Here's hoping I do better.
  6. iMaisie

    Hi 17 Im Looking To Be Friend With Deaf People And I Deaf Too

    :welcome: And same question as Rockin'Robin, what is the poll? I don't understand its answers.
  7. iMaisie

    Learn your country's sign language first. It's helpful so you can start to socialise in your...

    Learn your country's sign language first. It's helpful so you can start to socialise in your local community.
  8. iMaisie

    Asl Practice! :)

  9. iMaisie

    E3 2016

    Best E3 there's been in years, I think. I've enjoyed just about every panel. Not to mention; Crash Bandicoot remastered!? Heck yes!
  10. iMaisie

    Looking For That Special Someone

    :welcome: to AllDeaf :thumb:
  11. iMaisie

    School Is Out For The Summer~! What's Your Summer Plans?

    I'm afraid Uni has ended for me quite yet. Still got a week to go :( But after that, I'm jetting off to Kyoto for a few weeks to see family and do some much needed shopping, and then off to Miami to see my girlfriend's family :mrgreen:
  12. iMaisie

    Teaching On Glide

    Is it on the AppStore? What's it for? :confused:
  13. iMaisie

    18. Hearing Girl. New Here

  14. iMaisie

    Rain, rain, go away. Please come back another day.

    Rain, rain, go away. Please come back another day.
  15. iMaisie


  16. iMaisie

    I Met A Deaf Woman Through Date Service.

    Your post actually made me smile, OP :) It's very cute that you're making an effort for her. It's nice to see. I'm deaf and I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years now. I'd say, just relax, take a breath. You don't need to immediately know everything and dive right in. Take it slow and...