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  1. P

    See "Celebrity and movie stars graves in Hollywood & Los Angeles."

    This is very interestin' thanks to my husband for this, see all the list of celebrity burial. Celebrity and Movie Stars Graves in Hollywood & Los Angeles
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    What is Your Favorite Fireworks?

    hehh can't wait The firework set up is right behind our apartment in the field and after the firework goes off and it looks like its coming right in your face, what a BLAST!!!:laugh2:
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    Bad Breathe....

    Bad Breath ...runnin' away lol I know someone who has a bad breath but found out that it came from the stomach and I asked the doctor if he know what causes it and he said sugar, and one time my friend's breath smell just fine before a friend drink anything sugar and after a friend drank a...
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    Top 10 Grossest Things in Your House

    Ewwww!:shock: Top 10 Grossest Things in Your House Click this links: Top 10 Gross Things in Your House - MSN Encarta Be sure you see the Next > pages from 1 thru 10 below!
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    David Carradine found dead in Thailand

    On David of Kung fu I don't know what to think of this, its sick! I used to watch him on Kung fu when younger growing up and always love that show, but I don't know if he did that sick stuff to himself or someone did that sick stuff to him. The police said found noone entering his hotel room...
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    So, Ladies, Do you wear makeups?

    Makeup continues Geez I got asked for my Driver's license few days ago, the lady thinks I looks under 18 and I'm 42. I told my sister about it and she laughed said I looks 10 and I said thank alots. It was the same place where I always buy stuff and I never got ask for my Driver's license...
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    So, Ladies, Do you wear makeups?

    About Make Up & Why its important to wears it Well I would wears a foundation everyday to protects my facial skin from wind damage, sun damage also the air damage when I'm outside all the times. Foundation helps keeps your face from wrinkles which the winds, sun and air do alot of damage to...
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    Infant Girl Founded in Abandoned Box

    Abandoned baby Sighs ... what a sick world we live in!:(
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    1 Out of 5: Admit to "Peeing in the Pool"

    About a Peein' in the Pool Thats pretty disgustin', I tell you that, really disgustin'!
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    A Genetic Clue to Why Autism Affects Boys More

    Researchers find a genetic clue that may explain why autism affects boys 4 times more often than girls. Click this link below to find out more about Autism A Genetic Clue to Why Autism Affects Boys More
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    Tips for Garage Sale/Rummage Sale/Yard Sale/Barn Sale

    YARD SALE DOS AND DON'TS John D. Schroeder, author of Garage Sale Fever!, tell you how to get the most cash. DON'T sell on Sundays - People think items are picked over. Sunday Saturday are better. DO stick close to traffic - Move tables to your lawn's edge and display large, unusual...
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    Who would go poll

    Cheri I'm with you I love going to a big theater, its cool but wish they have cc on all movies we can enjoys!
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    Mom Had Sex w/Dog, Child on Webcam

    Uckkkkk :barf: my stomach is making a knots!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! SICKO!!! It issssssssssss SICKENINGGGGGGG!!! Sickeninnnggg of mental illness in the head, thats what!!! My heart goes out to the poor baby and the animal!:(
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    No CC at the Movie Theater!!!

    sara1981 Same here also My husband said all the new movie at the theater will takes a long time for it to come to the Video store so we can rented the movie that has CC. It would take 6 month to wait for it to come to the video store, no fun!
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    No CC at the Movie Theater!!!

    PowerON The city of Walled Lake of Michigan is way too far from my hometown, its 1 hours 15 min drive and onlys one movie showing with CC is State of Play. Not worth it...I wants all shows with CC and everyone can pick any movie they wants to see beside State of Play while all the hearings get...
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    No CC at the Movie Theater!!!

    I think its unfair that all movie theater do not have CC while all the hearing people enjoying watching the movie. And the deaf and hard of hearing has to wait for the movie to be released to rent at the Video Store, to me its totally unfair to us. All movie theater should have CC for all of...
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    Bullying during or after education stages. Is it okay?

    society's I disagree with you! I learned this from the book, it did not come from me, the great teacher taughted me this, I have been confronted by the bully and I did what the book tells me how to avoid it and it does works! I don't wanna argue with you, so be it!
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    Bullying during or after education stages. Is it okay?

    Abouta Bullyin' In my opinions: they have a low self-esteem, don't love or likes theirselves, they are not happy with their life, family etcs. Some bullyin' come from bad family, etcs. I've had that experienced, best thing is to walk away, when you walk away from the bullyin' who's...
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    I am getting MARRIED!!!

    Congratulations Jasmine4lakshmi I'm very happy for you and wish you many more happiness on your engagement...Congratulations!:applause::party:hug::dance: