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  1. D

    what rocks your world and is your favorite subject to talk about in a post?

    That was pretty profound,, it is like tripping... REAlity can be at least as interesting as fiction.... Are you weighing in on the creative writing thread.. Have you though about writing... If you love books that much,, you probably have one just waiting to be born... You could use the...
  2. D

    what rocks your world and is your favorite subject to talk about in a post?

    How cool... You should start a thread with the mods... Make a category and see if it grows... I would love to know about some of those things!
  3. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    I worked on getting the minimum wage raised in Oregon, and it worked,,, We have the highest minimum wage.. I had to take time away from things I needed to get done,, but I was on TV and I addressed a crowd at the State Capitol building, and was on radio,, etc etc.. and it...
  4. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    Obamma and Clinton are talking about fixing it... but now is when the Deaf community needs to let them know that it isn't working for the Deaf either... Somebody needs to write to the candidates,, no,, not somebody,,,, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. D

    Please forgive me if my dreaming has offended anyone

    Nope,, just a litttle country girl from Wyoming,, even if I am 51 now,, in Oregon... Guess I might as well be an aborigine... :) Always wanted to meet crocodile Dundee.. :)
  6. D

    Coolest thing you have done

    Gave birth to nine kids.. Was in a country band, and started a halfway house for the homeless.
  7. D

    ASL in public schools??

    That is what I was afraid of. Do you see why I thought it would be up to the manualists to indtroduce ASL into the lower grades like preschool, to protect them from the oralists? I wasn't trying to start a controversy. I look at this stupid war, and I realize that people sat back too long...
  8. D

    ASL in public schools??

    What do you think is the biggest barrier to BIBI? Is it money? Teachers, or the oralists?
  9. D

    Please forgive me if my dreaming has offended anyone

    I did the treatments,, interferon,,, 2,500 a months worth for 6 months,,, Made me sick... LOL... No insurance since my husband died in 05, and now it is a pre-existing condition... It dropped the levels,,, but not cure.. Next would be a transplant,, or maybe I can just stay ahead of it by...
  10. D

    "The Castle In My Mind"

    Hi Mandy,,, I did a rewrite with a more descriptive beginning. I don't know where the post ended up,, lol.. :) thanks again.
  11. D

    Please forgive me if my dreaming has offended anyone

    Thanks Shel,,, but you don't recover from Hep C.. IT is deadly. :) the question is, what can I accomplish with the time I gots left? Throughout my life, I have made a few little splashes and the ripples have grown into bigger things,,, Like I once started a homeless ministry out of nothing...
  12. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    There really are ways to work on the captioning thing. I have a few ideas. But in general, there are many issues out there. The laws are in place for some things, but this no child left behind thing sucks and IEPs and such are not necessarily doing the job they were created to do. There is...
  13. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    This is the time!!! Never before have the policians been more eager to pandor or listen to their voters.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes a collective voice,,, and it could start today.... If everyone on AD simply wrote and said,,, We would like to know if you are willing to talk with the Deaf...
  14. D

    ASL in public schools??

    Thanks so much for your effort. I try to teach little bits to anyone who will listen,, and they love it... especially the little kids. I am only in the end of my second year, and I am not really confident in my ability with grammar. I start out in ASL grammar but sometimes switch to PSE...
  15. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If ENOUGH Deafies wrote to Obama and Clinton and McCain, and asked them if they were willing to meet with some of the Deaf leaders,, They might make it a campaign issue.. Then you need to get on line and take some polls to see what needs to be addressed the...
  16. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    This is what I mean. If we had no protested in 2006, we would have had the Blind school merged into the Deaf school, which sits ten feet from a rail road track and is not set up to accommodate the Blind kids or anything. They would not guarantee that the funds would be there to fix the Deaf...
  17. D

    Please forgive me if my dreaming has offended anyone

    Thanks guys. I realize that I ask some silly questions sometimes and you must get tired of respondidn to a million questions of the same nature. Ya see, I have hepatitis C, which I contracted during one of my 8 cesareans and child birth transfusions. I already had the treatments, and they...
  18. D

    How do you get politicians to pay attention to your issues?

    Considering that we are in an election season, don't you think that now would be a good time to start bringing the Deaf issues to the attention of the candidates? Captioning, education, etc. etc. etc. I enough people wrote to their senators,,, Like Obama and Clinton, or even Mcain, they...
  19. D

    ASL in public schools??

    Hey RD, You have been an inspiring voice. Thanks so much for the link.. I read the stuff on the web site, and it appears that they have the same common problem that plagues most organizations that are trying to grow. Most people, Deaf and hearing, aren't aware of what they are about. They...
  20. D

    what rocks your world and is your favorite subject to talk about in a post?

    Pen a what? There is always more posts than I can read in a limited amount of time, but the news on Deaf ed are way interesting to me. I am learning alot. I also like to see new students here, because this is where they need to be to understand the people that they will one day be helping (i...