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  1. D

    what rocks your world and is your favorite subject to talk about in a post?

    How coool,, we should post a thread about sleep... LOL,,,
  2. D

    ASL in public schools??

    So, what do you think would be workable? I am just lookin for solutions or at least the start of a solution that will hearing people understand Deaf people better, and some form of communication that keeps the Deaf child included in all aspects of life. I mostly want to stop the prejudices and...
  3. D

    Can anyone tell me the where to find information on the

    coooool, So, your school is not necessarily oral only if you chose not. I believe it is helpful to get lots of oral practice in, especially if one has an implant or can function with aides. I wonder though, do you think terps pick up enough info? I mean, this may sound ignorant, like stuff...
  4. D

    Can anyone tell me the where to find information on the

    Thanks, I keep hearing about FM, and people waiting for one, or other technical things about types, BUt I didn't know what they were until now... :)
  5. D

    what rocks your world and is your favorite subject to talk about in a post?

    What discussions are you most inclined to join? What matters most in your life? Economy? jobs? education? love? news? deaf products? What rocks your world?
  6. D

    Can anyone tell me the where to find information on the

    Where did you learn sign language? Would you feel happy without it? Is sing language an important part of your education? What do you think about oral only programs?