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  1. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    I never meant for it to appear that way, I was simply trying to make the words stand out. Sheesh, this computer etiquette stuff is crap! people take things way to personally... Boy, i'm gonna regret that in the morning!
  2. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Did I yell??? how can you yell when you are writing?
  3. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Can I just an answer to every post that questions what i believe...THAT I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN DOING WHAT IS BEST FOR THE CHILD. USING SIGN AS A FIRST LANGUAGE AND ORAL AS A SECOND IS BENEFICIAL FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! It gives the child a strong language base that they are equally...
  4. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Holly - According to your reply, you have not provided any of these same parents an opportunity to discuss with you the who, what, where, when and why components of the decsions that they made for their children, (who are now adults). _____ perhaps you should read my answer to that again, I...
  5. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    :werd:I second that! Because of my parents work our family traveled a lot when I was growing up. I saw all different kinds of cultures and ways of life. It is very important to expose your children to other things.
  6. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    The people that I have known whose parents didn't use sl are adults now. I don't know their parents and they themselves have said that they learned later in life, and some went to deaf schools and began learning right away. A lot of the their parents had their kids learn it as a main form of...
  7. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    wow...this has gotten WAY off topic... Perhaps everyone should read the title of the thread again...
  8. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    No problem cloggy, I know you didn't do it on purpose:)
  9. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Cloggy, it appears to be that this thread has become about the situation you and your child are in, that was not my intention, and I know it was not yours. However, for the sake of argument, and to make sure we can all participate, lets keep it generic. Who said anything about force? Of...
  10. Holly

    A question from a hearie...

    haha, no tequila in my drink please:giggle: thats funny! and yeah I know what you mean about the different country thing, I've traveled a lot especially as a kid and my parents always made sure we knew how to say a few things in the local language (key phrases like thank you, your welcome, help...
  11. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    i guess I never should've posted this thread...too many opinions around here:iough: :giggle: My point is exactly this, take it or leave it: I find nothing wrong with CIs I just think it may also be important to let them learn a little sign, maybe go to a deaf school (yes, relocating if...
  12. Holly

    World's Worst Mice Plague

    yeah my parents were there during that time, they were staying with friends at a farm and it was the same exact thing!!!!
  13. Holly

    Children of a Lesser God

    ooh thanks, i didn't think about that!
  14. Holly

    Children of a Lesser God

    Has anyone heard of or seen this movie? I haven't seen it yet but I want to get other opinions on it.
  15. Holly

    Pregnant woman uses train toilet and baby slips out

    what about the placenta...wouldn't the baby have been attached to the mother still?
  16. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Sorry, you are right, I don't know enough about CIs...but all that aside, I still don't see any harm in allowing the child to learn sign and even attend deaf school, they could make friends with other children who have the same issues and because of their CI could also make friends with other...
  17. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    If the child is in a situation where having a hearing aid or CI would help enough to make a difference then there is nothing wrong with that. But some children are born so profoundly deaf that those methods might not even do any good. If the child can hear a little and learn to read lips, and if...
  18. Holly

    Hey Folks!

    thanks chase! and thanks everyone!
  19. Holly

    Returning Adopted Deaf Children...

    That story just makes me sick! Anytime you adopt a child, no matter what the situation is, you have to be willing to take that child for what they are, CI qualified or not! Thats almost like adopting a child who later develops cancer and then returning him/her, saying, "well, we weren't...