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  1. Y

    Hate me?

    Well I know that it doesn't mean she hates me but on the moment it felt that way. My anxiety was acting up when this happened and yes I felt like she did hate me. In my mind it seemed as if she had a reason to hate me.
  2. Y

    Hate me?

    Okay thanks
  3. Y

    Hate me?

    I know I wouldn't get any of it, and I don't go out much anyways so when I do go somewhere if it's urgent yes I'd be okay with writing things down. I don't worry about salons or the market or even bowling since we have deaf friendly ones here. At the bowling alley I go to they all know ASL since...
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    Hate me?

  5. Y

    Hate me?

  6. Y

    Hate me?

    I'm hearing but I am losing the ability to hear correctly. The other day I was talking to a deaf girl and I mentioned that I would prefer to be fully deaf then to have to struggle all the time to understand the conversation I am in. She got so mad at me saying that it's stupid. That I am...
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  8. Y

    Who is single here?

    Been single since September 13.
  9. Y

    Is it harder to learn ASL ..?

    ASL is rather easy after you get the basics down. It just takes time and effort which I'm sure you have. :)
  10. Y

    Bear cub means baby fawn....

    Aww! The way it his behind those stairs was adorable
  11. Y

    Hey! I was wondering if we could talk on Skype? Do you know ASL? I need to practice my ASL but...

    Hey! I was wondering if we could talk on Skype? Do you know ASL? I need to practice my ASL but my parents aren't willing to learn it.
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    Losing hearing learning asl

    Haha well thanks:)
  13. Y

    Where can i find new friends

    Hey!! Welcome. I just started in this site but I'd love to befriend you!!:rofl:
  14. Y

    I Don't Want To Use My Voice...

    Try not talking at all to them. When they ask you a question only sign to them. When this happens they will think that now it is a necessity. Send them videos from YouTube of good sign language lessons. Also, so you have a Skype? I'm not deaf but my hearing is slowly fading. I am learning ASL...
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    Hearing girl, learning asl

    Hey! I'm learning to sign as well. Maybe we can help eachother out
  16. Y

    Losing hearing learning asl

    Thanks. Are either of you fluent in ASL?
  17. Y

    Losing hearing learning asl

    Hey so I can hear. But sometimes my ears will rings and I'll not go completely deaf but words will be muffled and slurred and I can't hear them well. I used to learn ASL but I stopped now I think it may be a nessecity that I do so. Does anyone have a Skype so they can help me learn it? I know...
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    Love sick and sick of love

    Love sick and sick of love
  19. Y

    Currently Love sick

    Currently Love sick