Search results

  1. S

    CI and time off work?

    Unfortunately my job requires a lot of communication with other people. I have to attend meetings both in person and through conference calls, in addition to coordinating with others in the office. I'm a mechanical engineer and in college I would have never thought engineers worked with other so...
  2. S

    CI and time off work?

    How do you handle time off work for the surgery and recovery time? It seems to be a candidate you need to have your hearing loss for 6 months before you can be approved. I don't know how I would be able to work during that time, plus the additional time it takes to learn to hear again...
  3. S

    Headphones and Hearing Aids

    Anyone notice if headphones have any affect on your hearing aids? It definitely seemed to impact the performance of my lyric. With the lyric it actually hurt my ear, really long phone calls seemed to do the same thing. I'm wearing a BTE now and with the BTE it seems to impact it too but not...
  4. S

    Esteem - Hearing Implant?

    Although I don't have a CI or Esteem (possibly in the near future). The benefit of the Esteem to me is 24hr hearing or at least from from what I recall reading on their site. I currently wear a BTE as a backup and had a Lyric as my primary. Having hearing 24/7 especially with young kids is a...
  5. S

    am I the only one? NO BASHING!!

    By "Electronic sounding" is this robotic or just like beeps? I have one non-hearing ear and one with an HA. Just curious how it is being able to compare the to or if you can have both active at the same time?
  6. S

    Careers for HOH and Deaf?

    Just curious what people do for a living. I've done a little google research and read about how the government used to hire a lot of deaf people but not so much anymore. I have a moderate hearing loss due to (LVAS), just lost more hearing due to a bike accident this morning so I may be...