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  1. M

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Today.. I went to the dentist for the umpteenth time to only be told my sinuses are creating my issues and not my teeth. Fine with that but I can't get my primary doctor to listen to me.. so,, I resign my self to a hot bath and steam therapy along with fluconasone( spelling may be incorrect )...
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    Poll of all polls

    Born with a hearing loss due to contracting german measles in utero. Doctor told my mother that I was profoundly deaf and I received my first body aid at 2. Progressed to BTE hearing aids in 6th grade and have worn the analogs all my life.. tried digitals didn't like them, maybe later. My...
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    How's everyone doing today?

    Just checking in.. its been a few months since I have been here.
  4. M

    What would you rather be doing right now??

    I would rather be on vacation on a sunny beach somewhere.. just not having a care in the world.
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    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Doing early spring cleaning.. getting rid of a lot of things.. just in case we decide to move to a new house, new state and new job. :D
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    Silverroxy, come on, you are in trouble.

    Happy Belated Birthday~!
  7. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    It is up to me but its harder to do now with all the different categories that have been created out there. I don't really know what to say.. but I will figure it out. Thank you .. yes, at the end of the day, when I go to bed and take them out. I am still me.. just me.
  8. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    I completely agree with the idea of it not being a label but a description. ~! Between you and whatdidyousay, I think I have an answer to this gentleman if this discussion comes up again and to any others who may bring this up . Thanks~!
  9. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    I ran into him again..thankfully he didn't bring up the discussion and I really like how you said this. :D
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    I'm back

  11. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    Thank you for your input. I was trying to get a sense of what to tell this gentleman the next time I see him. I guess I am feeling confused on the correct terminology to use or label. Its kind of confusing more so now. Worn hearing aids all my life and never really say it out loud.I can hear...
  12. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    My husband says the same thing.. that I am deaf but I have always just say that I have a hard time hearing ( not the correct term ). My parents always used hard of hearing. My audiologist says profoundly deaf. I am just confused for the correct label.
  13. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    Thanks for the reminder.. I just was trying to get a sense of what to tell this gentleman. He was certain he was right, but I let it go so that it would not create a disturbance.
  14. M

    Interesting question..what am i? deaf, hard of hearing or normal

    I was out to lunch and walked in to meet some friends at Starbucks. An older gentleman and a friend and I got into a conversation about differences between Deaf, Hard of Hearing and normal along with it being a disability. What is your take? I am considered profound deaf with bi lateral hearing...
  15. M

    Sad news

    I am sorry to hear the passing of Botti. Although we did not speak much or get along here. She was a crafty ole soul and loved many. May you find peace, comfort, and love for you and your family, Lauren. Continued thoughts and positive prayers always.
  16. M

    What are you doing right now? Part II

    Resting my afternoon while eating delish football game snacks after a co ed all night slumber party with my daughter.
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    What Are You Eating For Snacks?

    Homemade Jalepeno poppers with a sweet jelly sauce and Boudin Biscuits ~! nom nom nommmmm.. and a nice frozen glass of chocolate vanilla stout beer.
  18. M

    Favorite Carnival/festival/state Or Local Fair Food?

    Funnel cake and the corndogs~!~ Yummy at the Cotton Carnival in Missouri. I have been to other fairs and awesome at Okinawa and Hawaii have some great fair foods~! I can't name them all.. too yummy.. Now I am hungry.
  19. M

    School Is Out For The Summer~! What's Your Summer Plans?

    My "adults in training" are home from college and the daughter is finally a Junior in high school. What are you all doing for the summer. One trip to Missouri ( aka Misery) for family, hitting a couple of brewery's, and some down home cooking that I haven't had in a while.