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  1. Oceanbreeze

    Arizona’s illegal-immigration law heads to Supreme Court. Will justices strike it dow

    Yes, even for a misdemeanor. And, whatever the process, however long, if a person wants to become a US citizen then they should go through that process. Illegal immigration SHOULD NOT be tolerated! If someone comes to this country and they can prove they were mistreated or tortured, then...
  2. Oceanbreeze

    Arizona’s illegal-immigration law heads to Supreme Court. Will justices strike it dow

    If someone is not a citizen of our country and they commit a crime, they should be deported. I'm all for immigration; legal immigration. It's really pretty simple... If you want to come to the United States, apply for residency and then become a citizen of this country.
  3. Oceanbreeze

    ‘Justice for Trayvon’: Alabama Man in Critical Condition After Mob Beating

    So, it will make for a healthy debate... :)
  4. Oceanbreeze

    ‘Justice for Trayvon’: Alabama Man in Critical Condition After Mob Beating

    From what I read, the prosecution has a very thin case, and, it's likely that the boy was killed in self defense. I believe this case to be politically motivated. People got angry that an unarmed person got killed. I say this... If the police have enough evidence, then take it to trial...
  5. Oceanbreeze

    ‘Justice for Trayvon’: Alabama Man in Critical Condition After Mob Beating

    Someone shouted "Now, that is justice for Trayvon." Kinda makes one think it's related to the Martin case; doncha think?
  6. Oceanbreeze

    Newbie, lots of questions

    Yes, actually, you did. I was stating that if one wants to prevent language delays, they should take advantage of services early; rather than later. This is a toddler and the sooner he gets services the better for him. Level of loss doesn't matter in this case. I'm sorry if you see it...
  7. Oceanbreeze

    Wheelchairs are SO COOL.

    Three words.... NO, THANK YOU! :lol:
  8. Oceanbreeze

    Wheelchairs are SO COOL.

    Hi CSign! Back at ya!
  9. Oceanbreeze

    Wheelchairs are SO COOL.

    This is true. I don't think I've ever heard of using a wheelchair or being paralyzed as a culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, I think that in order for a group to be considered a culture, linguistics must come into play? I guess this where one asks "Exactly what makes a culture, a...
  10. Oceanbreeze

    Wheelchairs are SO COOL.

    Oh, that's true. I was just referring to a personal preference; as well as the practicality of a super fast chair. However, I agree with you that the speed of most power chairs are, at least, as fast as someone may power walk or even faster. My outside guess would be somewhere in the...
  11. Oceanbreeze

    Newbie, lots of questions

    The level of loss doesn't matter, Deafdyke. They need to get hooked into services asap so their child doesn't experience language delays. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for the child to learn a language. So, EI is crucial; unilateral loss, bilateral loss, profound loss, or...
  12. Oceanbreeze

    Wheelchairs are SO COOL.

    I'm a wheelchair user. Turbo charged chairs wouldn't be practical for safety reasons. This is why a power chair can only go so fast. I, for one, would NOT want to be in a chair that I cannot control the speed of. Just sayin'...
  13. Oceanbreeze

    Dad update

    After a short but very difficult battle with esophageal cancer, Daddy is at peace now. He left us @ 1:30pm this afternoon. We are all grieving, but I know that he is in a much better place. Mods: You can lock this thread now. Thank you.
  14. Oceanbreeze

    dykes vs lipstick les

    lesbian, but not attracted to butch females. I'm also not butch, either.
  15. Oceanbreeze

    Dad update

    Dad's been re-admitted to the hospital. We think he's in the last stages of liver failure. We could be at the end here. :(
  16. Oceanbreeze

    CI users and the Deaf community

    This should help clear up any misconceptions regarding CiCircle... This is taken from the groups discription... This listserv was established in January of 1998 by Karen Biernat of Bristol, Connecticut (USA) and Naomi Higgs of Adelaide, Australia. The CI Circle is a discussion forum...
  17. Oceanbreeze

    Whitney Houston is Dead

    Oh man. :(
  18. Oceanbreeze

    CI users and the Deaf community

    You do realize that CICircle caters mostly to parents whose children have CI, don't you? :confused: