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  1. G

    Do God will you that you will find somebody at Ivy League School?

    I don't know much about breakups... I did know a few kids who tried to keep their boyfriends/girlfriends from HS freshman year of college but it didn't seem to work and by Thanksgiving or so they had moved on. I think most people don't look for very long or very far .. they'll commit when...
  2. G

    Do God will you that you will find somebody at Ivy League School?

    Most people will end up dating/marrying people from the same school. I don't think Ivy/non-Ivy has much to do with it. From reading the profiles of my facebook friends from my high school class, this was the case for I'd say about 50% of them.
  3. G

    I am lonely

    Yeah I went through that spell last year but my work is so hectic now I'm not sure I have time to feel lonelyl
  4. G

    Arizona to Secede?

    Where's your data for that, the most recent article I could find in 2006 claims TX gets back 94 cents on the dollar, in comparison NJ got back 55 and NY 79. And there were a heck of a lot of states were over $1 (they got back more than they paid in)...
  5. G

    Who is single here?

    That hasn't been my experience, and the experience of most guys I know. They're the ones that have to make the move.
  6. G

    Why my hubby refuse to go counseling?

    Unfortunately its not 1955 anymore.
  7. G

    Deaf Churches...where are they hiding?

    I remember one Catholic Church in Virginia had a maass where they had an interpreter for the hard of hearing. Not quite a "deaf church" though.
  8. G

    Who is single here?

    Not sure if the mispelling was intentional, but thats an interesting play on words...
  9. G

    do you find it hard to meet anybody who is the same as you?

    You mean someone of the opposite gender to date? Yes, I do.
  10. G

    Love is not funny ~

    Wow thats a pretty good translation. Anyway, I have seen relationships between people who were raised in Eastern and Western culture work. Although someone who had lived in China their entire life moving the US would be somewhat of a culture shock (and vice versa). My recommendation for...
  11. G

    Anti-Immigration = Pro-Fascist

    In theory I support enforcement of immigration (not enough room for everyone, unfortunately), but when it comes to implementation its a tricky issue.
  12. G

    need find deaf man and marrieds

    Maybe you could Galludet or RIT on a student visa. Should meet plenty of deaf men there.
  13. G

    House Democratic official: 'We've got the votes' on health care

    I would like to see the specific polls and what questiosn were asked Depending on how you phrase the questions asked you could probably say that a majority do or don't support reform. Some people might say no to a a simple question like "Do you support the current bill under consideration in...
  14. G

    The science is settled...

    I don't think its just environmentalists. It seems like the Save the World crowd are pretty rough in their interpersonal relations in general.
  15. G

    Hearing girl seeking to make friends

    Yes it is a combination of auditory and lipreading. I had normal hearing up until around my teen years when it started to decline. I am borderline severe now.
  16. G

    Hearing girl seeking to make friends

    Not all hard of hearing sign, I don't.
  17. G

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    The weather's good in PA now? I guess all that snow has finally melted.
  18. G

    21st Birthday soon...plans?

    You can put on Phantom of the Opera. Banjo can play the Phantom and DJ can play Raoul. I'm sure they would love the swordfight scene....
  19. G

    21st Birthday soon...plans?

    Mask party Gangsters theme
  20. G

    Can you learn to lipread online?

    I got referred to this CD by a state Voc. rehab individual, but I have yet to purchase so I can't give any recommendations. Sensimetrics - Seeing and Hearing Speech - Lipreading Software