Search results

  1. A

    Deaf/hearing dating advice

    I need some advice. I am hearing. A few months ago, I met this really great guy online. Before meeting in person, he informed me that he was Deaf. I was immediately thrilled. How exciting! I took two years of ASL in school, but want to learn more ASL. I never had a Deaf friend before, so I...
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    Any guinea pig/Cavy owners?

    ATTENTION ANYONE NEAR NEW YORK STATE (BUFFALO) My roommate has a guinea pig, and we're looking for a new home for him :( He's just a few years old, very friendly and managable. He loves being held and played with. I emphasize, very friendly! If anyone's interested, or knows of anyone else who...
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    Bad Teacher. So funny! :)
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    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I'm hearing, and I used to work at McDonald's. I am not fluent in ASL, but everytime we had a Deaf customer, I would tell the other workers to send them to my register so we could all avoid confusion, and make ordering a little easier on the customer. One day, I had a customer come up to me and...
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    What is everyones plan for the July 4th weekend?

    My roommates and our families go to the lake every year. We have a picnic, play frisbee and board games, and eat junkfood all day, leading up to the fireworks :)
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    How can I improve my finger spelling speed?

    Thank for the critique, honestly. I know it's no where near perfect. We had to re-sign this story just by mocking a video of someone else signing the story, so many signs weren't very clear to me, or were simply signed too fast.
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    How can I improve my finger spelling speed?

    Hello! I'm a hearing student, just saying. I'm interested in improving my fingerspelling speed! I try to practice as much as possible. Sometimes, I'll read things (for example, on the board) and just fingerspell what others write to get more used to it. Also, I have a tough time understanding...
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    What did you do today?

    ^ That's a great deal! I do all my produce shopping at our Farmer's Market here :)
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    Which way does your toilet flush?

    Mine goes clockwise. I remember learning in school that the closer you live to the equator, then that means your water will go straight down. And the further one lives south of the equator, the more their water will actually drain counter clockwise. That applies for not only toilets, but also...
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    Pics of you - Part V

    Me, on the right, and a friend at our summer party last weekend :)
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    meow kitten cutes

    Whenever my kitty is sleeping around the house and I can't find him, I'll play this video and he'll come running. He's funny to watch, he'll listen to the cats on the screen and tilt his head back and forth, meowing to them. :giggle:
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    Water for Elephants

    Ohh I agree lol. The book is such a tear-jerker. I always lose it and start crying at the end of the movie. I've seen it in theaters 3 times already :shock:
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    Anyone near Western NY/Buffalo/Rochester?

    Oh yeah I know :p I just wasn't sure if there was anyone on the board from there. I live closer to Buffalo. I just don't have a car or anything, too so closer to Buffalo is easier
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    If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self...

    I'd go back and tell myself: Mom was ALWAYS right Not to get that second helping of desert Go to bed earlier, and you won't be so sleepy the next day! Have faith: being older isn't so scary. Plus, things get better :)
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    Does anyone on here dream almost everynight?

    No, I never completed the ceremony. I kept getting up to leave, and see other people, and stuff. It was strange, I was very worried I'd be late. Maybe this is just some internal stress I'm having, about me ACTUALLY graduating from college next year? Hmmm.
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    My birthday's in October, too. This poem made me excited for Autumn to come. Great poem! :)
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    Anyone near Western NY/Buffalo/Rochester?

    I live in the middle of no where lol, so it gets a little lonely :( Not too many Deafs/HOHs/Coda/terps, anything! Are there anyone who live in the Buffalo/Rochester area? I'd love to possibly meet up sometime! :wave:
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    Water for Elephants

    I definitely agree. I saw the movie before I read the book. I loved the movie, and loved the book even more. Usually, when I read the book first, I'm almost always disappointed in the movie :roll:
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    Does anyone on here dream almost everynight?

    I have the strangest dreams ever! Nearly every night, too. Last night, I dreamt that I re-lived my high school graduation. It was so strange
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    What did you do today?

    Shel90, post pictures when it's done, sounds like a fun project! :) I'm 60 minutes away from getting out of work, and my weekend beginning! Wahoo!