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  1. D

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part II

    I wont be online for awhile, due to my laptop crashed yesterday around 5pm. I will have it checked out sometimes this week. This is 2nd time that crashed on me within a year and half. GRRR: I was this close to throw my laptop out the window and my mom said go ahead. I was like :eek3: , I...
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    Back Again....for the 139th Time

    Hey AJ, Been a long time, too long. We all missed you. You missed alots here and you better catch up! haha. Welcome back, congrats on your new job and new future with your gf. :hug: Hope to talk to you sometimes. Have a good weekend!
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    I am so MAD at Punkywolfy for LIE!

    Happy Birthday, PunkyWolfy! When I saw the thread, I was like OH SHIT! But whew! lol Happy Birthday and many more ahead of you! :hug:
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    I have an announcement!

    Thank you! :hug: :D
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    I have an announcement!

    *Whispers* That is alright! :)
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    I have an announcement!

    Lol that is alright! Yes I have picked a name for the baby. I already had the names picked out when I was 2nd month pregnant, for boy and girl names. I will annouce it when my son is born. I seem to show a little by little, I am sure by next week, it will be a little more there and there. I...
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    I have an announcement!

    Thank you Catlovers2000. Congrats on your daughter too!
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    Sad Annoucement to say...

    My goodness. I am sorry to hear about your dad passing away. :hug: God bless you and your family. You and your family are in my prayers. And your mom is in my prayers too. Gosh, I am sorry.
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    I have an announcement!

    I have an appt. on 31st to have blood drawn for my glucose and thyroid tests. They told me not to eat anything with sugar the night before and to eat dry plain toast and drink alots of water til I am done with my appt. I was like HUH!?! And plus I havent heard anything about the glucose...
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    I have an announcement!

    Thank you everyone. I am doing good, just tired all the time. Seems wanting to sleep all the time. I will be 25 weeks tmw which I will have 15 more weeks left til the baby is born. Will keep updates from time to time, I dont get online much as I used to be, due to my being so tired and...
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    A birthday wish to my very best friend, GalaxyAngel!

    Happy Birthday, GalaxyAngel!!! :hug:
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    Happy Birthday and Have a great day!!! :)
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    Deaf t-shirts or custom your own!

    I like the one that says, *Deaf People DO drive AND have sex!* that is dang true! :lol:
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    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part II

    Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone and hope everyone has a safe weekend. :hug: :grouphug: :hug: everyone.
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    What is gratitude? (This is a must to see)

    Wow.....beautiful words..... Thank you. Sending the link to my family. Thank you. *sorry, I am just speechless at the moment.*
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    Just a heads up

    Ah, you both are still alive! *Whew* I am glad you stopped by and let us know. You all have a good Happy New Year!
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    two pics..

    Your dog is so CUTE!!! The pic of you and TJ looks so good!