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  1. Deanne

    Where did 'bored/boring' sign come from?

    Ok, I'm wrong. Everyone signs like the textbooks, you're right. I'll politely bow out of the conversation and let you guys handle it :)
  2. Deanne

    Where did 'bored/boring' sign come from?

    That's a lot of questions. I'm hoh, an adult, and I sign it because if I do it correctly, my kids think it's the funniest thing on the planet and I happen to think it's a bit distasteful. Moving the sign one inch hasn't ever been a big deal in real life conversations.
  3. Deanne

    Where did 'bored/boring' sign come from?

    Yes, yes I would. No one has ever not understood it though. Tons of signs get done a little differently depending on signs before or after, context, or if they're just awful ;)
  4. Deanne

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    Same here, I'm in the middle of the state (give or take) and they're saying 2 ft. I'm more worried about losing power than anythign else. Being trapped in a house with a 4, 7 and 16 year old is enough to drive me crazy.
  5. Deanne

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    I'm doing taxes so I'm thinking a lot of "WHAAAT? Um, where? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
  6. Deanne

    Where did 'bored/boring' sign come from?

    I do the sign but over further on my cheek, more under my eye. I hope that's not the sign for something else hahaaa :)
  7. Deanne

    Ear molds -- how much $$

    I had just assumed that the $55 I spent via mail was on the high end. I guess I'll email my audi and see how much she charges. Thanks :)
  8. Deanne

    Florida...the Sunshine State....

    I liked the chickens in Key West. They were amusing :)
  9. Deanne

    Virginia moves closer to creating state's own currency

    Seriously, what the HECK is going on with VA lately???
  10. Deanne


    I have little rubber plugs with different size holes to put into my vent. Makes it easy to futz around and see what sounds best. I'll try a smaller one and see how it is :) Ok, I can hear my own voice much better and it's weird. Not echoing really but much louder.
  11. Deanne


    My low freq loss is vented maybe a pencil lead wide and it's at 70, so near the threshold. My better ear is vented maybe twice that. I do get some feedback on the right so maybe need to try a smaller vent; it's hard to balance feedback with ear infections, especially in the winter.
  12. Deanne

    How are you feeling today?....

    It's my husbands birthday and he's at work, sick. I'm feeling lazy but need to get moving on a cake :)
  13. Deanne

    Florida...the Sunshine State....

    Just got back from a week vacation. Stayed near Orlando, headed to Clearwater to the beach one day. Honestly, it depressed the heck out of me. It's so flat and treeless. The weather is awesome in the winter, but I couldn't live there.
  14. Deanne

    Selective hearing aids for men

    Wish they'd make one for kids!
  15. Deanne


    You may be on to something, I use a much bigger vent in my left ear which is 30 db better at 250 than my right ear.
  16. Deanne

    Ear molds -- how much $$

    I do mine through the mail, but I think I'm going to get a new set at the audi since she should have more options available (those curved ones look awesome). I thought it would be good to have a back-up set. So, how much did your molds cost?
  17. Deanne

    Do women find bald men attractive?

    Just say no to comb-overs :) Shaved is fine, imo.
  18. Deanne

    Carved Shell Silicone Ear Molds..better for severe to profound.

    I should get an extra pair. Does anyone have multiple sets of molds and switch them out? Probably go through tubes faster since they'd be hard to switch once they hardened, but it might be nice to have them hit in different places sometimes. Hmmmm
  19. Deanne


    Do you mean the molds? The first few days maybe but now I can't tell if they're in or not. If I have one turned on and one off, the off ear feels funny cause it's so quiet but that obviously doesn't happen real often. I notice it mostly in the morning when I turn on the right aid first and the...
  20. Deanne

    post office cuts saturday

    Ah, I see. Yes, the post office says that any branches that are open now on Saturdays will stay open.