Search results

  1. BecLak

    Is it worth to be "oral"?

    Is it worth it to be oral? NO.
  2. BecLak

    Mental Health and crisis

    Relying on pen and paper alone for communication can be frustrating at times due to the time-lapse especially when the hearing party usually does not have the patience like Deaf people do. The fact that she even approached someone with her traumatic experience means that she wouldn't have given...
  3. BecLak

    Best fictitious sign (from a hearing person)

    My mother tried to sign I love you using the universal one-handed :ily: but signed :rockon: instead :giggle: It was even funnier that she used both hands. My 24 year old son though it was classic! :lol:
  4. BecLak

    How can hearies included the Deaf?

    I've found that giving long explanations of how to accommodate me is exhausting and constantly repetitive and usually results in frustration and short fuses on both sides. That's why I came up with the acronym: Keep in S.T.E.P with me please. Voice-off also makes it obvious you are best with...
  5. BecLak

    How are you feeling today?....

    School holidays have worn me out, together with one of my kid's birthday party thrown in the mix. School starts again in 2 days, perhaps I can catch my breath then. Love it when all the kids are home though.
  6. BecLak

    Question and Relay Services on the Deaf end

    IM is a good communication tool. It's more direct real time. It's more accessible to both deaf and hearing alike. But, one downside - there is no universal one. MSN used to be widely used but has now dwindled. Online chat features on business websites are a good solution, because you don't...
  7. BecLak

    What are you doing right now?

    Congratulations Smithtr on becoming an uncle again soon. I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time in March. I'm excited too. :D
  8. BecLak

    What did you learn today?

    I pushed myself too much at the gym the other day. Has taken me 4 days to recover from bad hip, back and leg pain and that was just doing a fast walk on the treadmill. :( I will go back tomorrow.
  9. BecLak

    For ORALISTS: Do people ever take you seriously?

    Unforntunately, speech is seen by hearing people as some sort of miraculous achievement by anyone who is DHH which takes away the hearing person's share of responsibility in good communication. They think they're taking the easy way. Until they are frustrated out of their wits with you saying...
  10. BecLak

    oral death program question

    I agree with you Botts, that fluent written English is very attainable for all Deaf. :D
  11. BecLak

    oral death program question

    If spoken English can still be acquired naturally as you say, then why is it that after nearly 50 years......years of Speech therapy and having my speech corrected every waking hour, being declared an 'oral success' because I was raised to be a public speaker yet, I still have to concentrate on...
  12. BecLak

    how important is Deaf culture to you?

    It is very important to me. I believe that there should be a stronger acceptance by society of our Deaf cultural identity. We mustn't shy away nor be intimidated by the hearing world around us, but demand respect as a cultural entity. Deaf children should be encouraged and given the...
  13. BecLak

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    All I can say is you can't judge the whole basket of apples because you come across an 'off' one.
  14. BecLak

    Going away for a while.

    Happy Birthday Phoenix! Have a well deserved break. See you when you get back. :wave:
  15. BecLak

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    So true, I certainly experienced that yesterday.
  16. BecLak

    Deaf children benefit from learning sign language, says research

    If a child learns Sign language from the get-go and is fluent enough to have an interpreter, and she/he is still has some auditory, then drawing from both will help fill in the gaps where he/she are missing words by visually bringing clarity to things.
  17. BecLak

    Deaf children benefit from learning sign language, says research

    Because......ASL is not English, neither is it any other language or sign language for that matter. ASL is a language all it's own, Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is not English either, nor is it ASL or any other Sign Language for that matter and so on. :)
  18. BecLak

    9 year old Aided main stream child so many questions

    I wish you all the best in exploring all the options available for your son. If my own experience is anything to go by, speech therapy will only benefit those around your son who are hearing. It will only become a source of frustration for your son as it is his weakest point. He would have to...
  19. BecLak

    What are you doing right now?

    That's good news. All the best for your MRI appointment. Keeping you in prayer.