Search results

  1. Beauty2Girls

    Dried Fruit.

    :lol: u are too lazy to walk to garbage, huh, wish there is maid to pick it up :D
  2. Beauty2Girls

    Let's play Name That ADer!

    :P @BBNT :)
  3. Beauty2Girls

    Let's play Name That ADer!

    1. CrazyBitch 2. Stell or SteveBoy 3. Eternity and DOMan 4. Very Interesting, Deaf258 (cute pix of him when he was little boy) 5. BBNT correct me :thumb:
  4. Beauty2Girls

    Guess where

    :werd: ..PROOF OF LIFE..
  5. Beauty2Girls

    This pic reminds me of

    Re: This reminds me of bbnt after he BUSTED from General to Private after Invade RI :laugh2: :thumb:
  6. Beauty2Girls

    This pic reminds me of

  7. Beauty2Girls

    july 4th

    :cool: mine July 3 :thumb: will be 3 years.
  8. Beauty2Girls


    u mean new pix of my hands yeah, need to resize :dunno: I need to get new program or buy CD but this pix I have to paste here cuz when I tried to post here it already other thread
  9. Beauty2Girls

    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    only 4 in USA and UK all? Me, childhood-Ukraine, many time been in Moscow, Russia and once in former USSR (Lithuian, Litvia, Belarus and Moldova.), in Europe- Warsaw, Poland 3 times. in USA-Washington, Idaho, Montana. in Canada, BC once. I have dreamed to visit in London, UK, this...
  10. Beauty2Girls

  11. Beauty2Girls


    :lol: YW
  12. Beauty2Girls


    :cool: :thumb:
  13. Beauty2Girls


    :cool: Wheel-Man's hands looks clean as female I thought u fixed car, do u? Chel, mine u may see other pix hold my daughter Halloween I couldn't post here need to resize I :dunno: :(
  14. Beauty2Girls

    My Army will be invading Rhode Island

    :rofl: @ BBNT&Sablescort