My goal of Thanksgiving is not to overeat. Every single year my tummy hurts as I forget how much I eat little of everything everyone brings.
And try not to kill a relative or two. Maybe bop one on the head with a pan? Lol
I remember mah lei I am not sure if she died before the changeover and we had to re-register or I got the username spelling wrong
Her avatar was a dog moving back and forth
Clean and post two items on ebay to declutter my storage boxes a bit more as well as shred the nonessential paperwork and file the rest.
Getting in fish today too so got to make sure they're healthy too.
Yep agree @Reba
Nothing I can do at this point but go elsewhere. a lot of us left its time for me to just follow others out of the door for a new Adventure like the staff that left already. Just hope I figure it out sooner than later. Changes does not come easy for me for sure
By the way TOD hearing staff themselves have even asked if she was really deaf. We have various HOH staff from the high end to severe profound like me. Every single one of us over time have questioned it as it never made sense how she could hear some stuff and the other staff who has no hearing...
Firstly ive said it 2x now. She has admitted she has NEVER took a hearing test. She interprets for us deaf staff often. She is an awesome signer don't get me wrong. If she has a APD or a CNS that is totally fine. She does not misinterpret anything for us word for word. She is asked to interpret...
Firstly, reread what I wrote. Teacher are you not?
Second, she admitted at one point to me she never took a hearing test
Third she does not wear hearing aids at all and can hear far better than a lot of hearing staff on noises and has no issues talking on the phone without hearing aids even...