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  1. Chevy57

    Keyless ignition problem

    Good point! What s FOB stand?
  2. Chevy57

    Keyless ignition problem

    Yes, but electric or hybrid vehicle is very quiet and not feeling vibration. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  3. Chevy57

    Keyless ignition problem

    Right but deaf drivers can't hear engine motors or beep. Some Seniors forgot to shutoff ignition. I think federal law may require to add auto-shutoff features in all vehicles if lawmakers or congressmen push. You should wear hearing aid or CP. LOL Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  4. Chevy57

    Keyless ignition problem

    Many cars today are offered with keyless ignition systems that allow the driver to start the vehicle without inserting a key. In some cars, the engine will not stop even if the electronic key fob is taken out of the vehicle...
  5. Chevy57

    Shooter kills 2 news crew members on live TV

    Shooter kills 2 reporters on live TV Video is horrible Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  6. Chevy57

    Shooter kills 2 news crew members on live TV

    Other video about shooting.
  7. Chevy57

    FCC to build an open source video platform for ASL users The Video Access Technology Reference Platform (VATRP)
  8. Chevy57

    Deaf cyclist needs advice.

    Garmin's Varia view radar that can alert cyclists when traffic behind they is getting close. The radar picks up cars or trucks at 153 yards (140 meters) and can track multiple targets as they approach. The tail light also warns approaching vehicles to a cyclist ahead...
  9. Chevy57

    Deaf cyclist needs advice.

    Deaf Landis completed a cross-country bike ride from Los Angeles to Ocean City on July 19 to raise money for deaf children vying for a cochlear implant
  10. Chevy57

    Deaf cyclist needs advice.

    You may join up "Deaf Bicycling" on your Facebook member.
  11. Chevy57

    color blind

    color-blind test
  12. Chevy57

    color blind

    You try special glasses for color-blind people but it s so expensive about $400. Watch ABC news report about it. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  13. Chevy57

    ham radio rtty

    Old Western Union TTY model 28.
  14. Chevy57

    "S" on license in Texas (Austin)

    My Ohio driver license is BF3. Restrictions: B-Corrective Lenses, F3-In/Dual Out Mirror.
  15. Chevy57

    Question about ipad and iphone

    I never seen it before. I m interesting.
  16. Chevy57

    Dangerous Flooding Washes Away Cars

    Dangerous flooding washed away cars in Manitou Springs, Colorado. Wow!
  17. Chevy57

    New update regarding FCC User RegistrationDB NAD Opposes FCC Collection of SSNs? Why?
  18. Chevy57

    ipad id

    You should remember your old email address??? Do you have (your user name) When and where did you purchase iPad?
  19. Chevy57

    ipad id

    Try old email address to send. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
  20. Chevy57

    ipad id

    Apple requests your current email address when applying new Apple ID before. Can't change to other address. Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf