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  1. MomofmanyKidlets

    Whats your Kryptonite?

    There is a movie called Holiday with Judd Law (he's so awesome) and he crys in it I nearly die every time.
  2. MomofmanyKidlets


    Welcome and Hello :)
  3. MomofmanyKidlets

    What is an easy way to learn sign language?

    Try you tube, and watching some of Keith Wann who is a child of deaf parents and some other sign language videos. I agree with writing her a note and maybe get a book out of the library to learn the alphabet is an easy thing to do I was your age when I learned sign abc
  4. MomofmanyKidlets

    Whats your Kryptonite?

    Mine is caramel and maple. Oh I just drool when I am faced with Esther Price sea salt caramels or maple flavored anything expect bacon. :lol:
  5. MomofmanyKidlets

    if you could have a superpower...

    Teleportation would be my first pick my second would to touch something like a race horse and know that it would win. Like touching a lotto ticket and know what the winning numbers where going to be.
  6. MomofmanyKidlets

    Greetings From The East Bay!

    Welcome :)
  7. MomofmanyKidlets

    Lost one of my HA's

    Reading all this I think when I finally choose a set of HA's I will find someway to put my name on them I can't afford another set. I pray they turn up.
  8. MomofmanyKidlets

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    This describes me, my oldest daughter and my grandmother. :hmm:
  9. MomofmanyKidlets

    Hearing from Indiana, Looking for Friends

    Hello Devin welcome!
  10. MomofmanyKidlets

    I got BTE !!

    I got BTE ReSound an older model because that was what I could afford. Of course I have not purchased them yet and I go back next week to have them adjusted or try another pair. Seems like my right aid has a constant shhh sound.... I suppose it needs adjusted. I can say, I Hear a lot more. :lol:
  11. MomofmanyKidlets


    Thank you! :wave: Ghana is where I order my shea butter is from.
  12. MomofmanyKidlets

    What did you learn today?

    I learned my son is a carbon of his Dad.
  13. MomofmanyKidlets

    Dealing with Family Help

    I go Saturday to look and purchase and try out hearing aids :)
  14. MomofmanyKidlets

    Lip-reading and Speech (IMPT)

    First off I am hearing. I think it is stupid for people to ask those who are HOH or Deaf to conform to hearing world. Its why I learned ASL in the first place.(trying to relearn it atm) I watched a girl at school get tormented by others and often look totally alone. I asked her interpreter to...
  15. MomofmanyKidlets


    Hey and welcome!
  16. MomofmanyKidlets

    How is your weather today??

    Here in Ohio its sunny and cold. I however don't care we have been living without a furnace in our house. Yes all through this -neg degree weather and today for the first time heat is pouring out of air ducts. I can wear a shirt without fingerless gloves a flannel and a sweater.. I am in paradise.
  17. MomofmanyKidlets

    Anyone watch Dr. Who?

    I love Doctor Who!!!
  18. MomofmanyKidlets

    What did you learn today?

    I learned given the right breeze wind will come up into my living-room from the basement through the floor boards brrr brrr
  19. MomofmanyKidlets

    Buying aids

    I have an appointment with the Hearing Center on Saturday. This is my first look into actually buying aids using care credit and to my knowledge only place in my are that takes payments. Anyway, What are some things I should as about? to make sure I get an aid I will like and can use?:hmm:
  20. MomofmanyKidlets

    What did you learn today?

    I learned that standing on stage at church when the band is playing my ear drum feel weird.