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  1. hurleysrus

    One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

    I know he didn't but it was in response to the hypothetical that was posed earlier
  2. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    I don't know what hardcore inclusion means but I know they told me its best for her to be as "normal as possible" for as long as possible. ( ergo, no asl unless privately paid for, which we started one month ago) I am working on the school and have been writing letters for months. I won't stop...
  3. hurleysrus

    One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

    Even IF he had punched reeves, the force he used was not justified according to the statue.....
  4. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    The mild loss is 6 months new, and has helped get accommodations in school. We were told it will only get worse as her nerves are dying off. Thanks for the links, this is stuff I need. I am having a hard time finding local support but I will find it. I didn't know about summer camps but will...
  5. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    We are in ceasar Rodney district, in Dover. Less options here than up north
  6. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    Thanks for all the advice so far, some I have tried, the rest I will try. I wish I could home school her. And as bad as it sound to say hopefully next year her good ear will not disqualify her from the Deaf school here
  7. hurleysrus

    Cochlear & ASL for SSD in previously hearing 6 year old with no speech impairment?

    I don't know about other schools but I am pushing for it here.... I have learned a lot that I didn't know before because I didn't need to know it then. Now I do and I try to spread the info.
  8. hurleysrus

    Bucket List

    Can I just take everyone elses bucket list and combine it? I want to do it all before I go, or better yet never go at all
  9. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    Other students, the teachers just don't seem to care
  10. hurleysrus

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    My daughter came home from school again in tears. She has SSD with a mild loss on her other side. In elementary school she had straight A's. Now in middle school she is struggling. She has all c's and one b. She is getting picked on because her word pronunciation is not 100%. She has all the...
  11. hurleysrus

    Ever walk around with only one shoe?

    Again SOME.... and some not.... the point I was trying to make is every experience is different. I can walk around with one shoe one with out even noticing. There are other factors that might not be known so to say that anything is not that big of a deal is biased to ones experience and not...
  12. hurleysrus

    Yahoo Mail or Gmail?

    I prefer your bold type, so thank you. :P
  13. hurleysrus

    School Shooting in Roswell, NM, Critically Injures at Least Two Teens

    *update* Chicago Tribune Doctors are optimistic about the two students wounded in this week’s shooting at a Roswell middle school, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez said Thursday.,0,3381231.story The...
  14. hurleysrus

    One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

    Even if he was charged felony assault for popcorn throwing, ha ha, I still see no possible syg defense So let's take a look at Florida's SYG law for a second. The Florida SYG law defines SYG as "Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm." Section 1...
  15. hurleysrus

    One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

    Just fyi... 776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of...
  16. hurleysrus

    Hi there.

  17. hurleysrus

    One dead in movie theater shooting in Florida

    Following thread.... following.... following.... trying to follow... going back... nope, I am lost
  18. hurleysrus

    Bucket List

    Bucket list.... bungee in grand canyon
  19. hurleysrus

    This is really hard on me...please help me?

    I used to have "perfect speech". Now not so much and my anxiety has become unbearable. I was diagnosed with acquired anxiety syndrome. Maybe you too?
  20. hurleysrus

    Ever walk around with only one shoe?

    Have you ever walked around with one shoe on? Some people would say its better to go with out any if you don't have two. Now, think about a child with SSD or unilateral hearing.... hmm, makes some think. Ear Disorders * Singled Sided Hearing Loss In Children * California Ear Institute * Ear...