Search results

  1. ambrosia

    Are Deaf people neurodivergent?

    Unless there were other factors involved I'd guess no. They use a different language, but just using a different language wouldn't mean their brain worked differently. I noticed you didn't include blindness in your list neurodivergence. If you think just having a loss of sensory input changes...
  2. ambrosia

    Game of Thrones

    I'm ready for the next book!! :D I haven't had HBO in a very long time so I only saw the First season. I have however read all the books. They are so awesome. He's had like 5+ years between books soooooo I imagine I have to wait a little longer. I'd have to look but guessing I'd say it's only...
  3. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Thank you :) have gotten more used to yours?
  4. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    You can understand speech in noise basically as well as you do in quiet? A difference of only 2% That's weird, and amazing!!
  5. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    I'm dumb. Up there ^^^^^^ I just realized I quoted Jane, I meant to quote you :D doh!!! So that other post was for you. Oops
  6. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Oh yeah!!! So about 3 weeks ago I started doing p90x3 again. It was my first time working out since my surgery, yeah I've been lazy. I was laughing and laughing. Since I'm the closest thing to my CI sounds I make are rather loud and exaggerated. I sounded like Darth Vader breathing when I was...
  7. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    How's it going with that second CI?
  8. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Thank you!!! Me too haha results have been better than I expected!! I started a new job in December and I rarely even tell clients I'm deaf anymore. It's a pretty non issue now :) started at a wicked nice brand new spa. The interview was in October, 1.5 months post activation and I nailed...
  9. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    It's been 5.5 months since my activation. I had a mapping today, we did a hearing test, which I really wish I'd gotten a copy or pic of, and speech discrimination tests. I got 99% in quiet and 69% in noise. So awesome!!!! Also we upgraded my Nadia Q70s to the Q90 software and found out I can...
  10. ambrosia

    The Cochlear Implant Isn't Always What You Think It Is

    When I switched from analogs to digitals my hearing loss was at severe levels, so I had fairly decent hearing with has. With the analogs it just amplified everything, so I heard everything. Digitals played with the sound too much and muffled the music badly, sure great for speech but for music...
  11. ambrosia

    The Cochlear Implant Isn't Always What You Think It Is

    It's not like music sounded good with my hearing aids, not with digitals anyway. Analogs were okay, but after I went digital I couldn't listen to new music anymore. I remember not long after I got digitals I bought Dave Mathews Band's album Groogrux King when it came out. I was so pissed, it...
  12. ambrosia

    The Cochlear Implant Isn't Always What You Think It Is

    It's my new work, when they call I what more so I kinda think it's their phone, only had problems with one other phone call. Granted I still don't use much, way out of the habit. I don't carry much of anything around with me. The other day I threw in my battery that takes disposables, and a pack...
  13. ambrosia

    The Cochlear Implant Isn't Always What You Think It Is

    I saw Star Wars a few weeks ago, got a captiview but the captions were screwy. Lots and lot of sentences were missing, probably at least one in three sentences weren't captioned. But I still understood most of it, missed very very little :) Yay!!!!! There's not much I don't like about my CI...
  14. ambrosia

    Has anybody liked their CIs?

    I've had my CI for almost 4 months. I freaking loooooooooove it!!!! Worlds better than my hearing aids but my loss was so profound they were useless so really there was no comparison. When my loss was severe hearing aids were fine, but some losses are unaidable.
  15. ambrosia

    The Cochlear Implant Isn't Always What You Think It Is

    Maybe I'll agree that we're our own class, up to a point, but I disagree that I'm not deaf. I am deaf, but a deaf woman that can hear. Amazing!!! Right now the only thing I can hear is my tinnitus. My battery died probably 30 minutes ago but I'm cozy under a blanket, playing around on my phone...
  16. ambrosia

    "This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop"

    You spray before you poo, then flush, it's not in the toilet anymore. It doesn't just stay there.
  17. ambrosia

    "This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop"

    You probably could but essential oils can expensive as well so just buying all the bottles initially would be expensive. Plus I'm lazy. My mom has and I saw it at a store at the stockyards. In the long run the little bottle may end up cheaper than all the typical air fresheners you might go...
  18. ambrosia

    "This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop"

    Poopourri is awesome, smells so good. Not sure why you'd think its weird, it just like air freshener. You spray it in toilet before, not sure why, I don't think it really matters where or when you do it but it smells fantastic. Much better than usual air fresheners. It's pricey. I posted this...
  19. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Absolutely love it!! It's amazing :)
  20. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implantation Surgery 7/28/15

    Update time again. Today I had my second mapping since my activation. It's been like 6.5 weeks. I spaced checking out my hearing test results, would have liked to have gotten a pic and compared to my last one but we were just so excited about my speech discrimination scores. I didn't expect to...