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  1. ambrosia

    Golden Window

    So we can agree that there are children that exist that do have oral success with a CI? We can agree that the optimal period of time for learning language is when you are very young? That is a scientific fact, irrefutable, whether that language is oral oral or not. Bimodal is clearly the best...
  2. ambrosia


    My opinion of the video. I am genuinely happy for these people. Am I inspired to learn sign and lose my wires? Do I suddenly feel that sign will set me free? No. Do I feel I need something to make me fit somewhere, completing my identity? No. For me, personally, hearing (or not hearing) is...
  3. ambrosia

    Cochlear Implant Explantation

    She explains in another thread, CI removal or something along those lines
  4. ambrosia


    Oho!!! Touché
  5. ambrosia

    How Often Do You Go To Gym?

    I work out at night too, but just because I'm not a morning person Does the opposite to me. I can't do it to close to bed time because I get too energized. I'm already a night owl, and have a hard enough time going to bed.
  6. ambrosia

    How Often Do You Go To Gym?

    Depends. If I'm doing a round of p90 I work out 6 days a week. A few months ago I started a work out routine with my son that's only 2 works A and B, 3 times a week. So one week it's ABA, next week BAB so and so forth. But he's been in NH visiting his dad for a month. I didn't work at all up...
  7. ambrosia

    Looking For Some Help Wth Ci

    Good! And good luck!!
  8. ambrosia

    Looking For Some Help Wth Ci

    Off topic is ok. That sucks. Insurance usually won't approve a CI removal because it's generally not medically necessary. They generally won't approve a surgery just because you want one. But have you tried appealing? It seems you could make the case that it IS medically necessary now.
  9. ambrosia

    Looking For Some Help Wth Ci

    Hoichi. Hi!!!! I've been to CI evaluation. Lemme tell ya......The doctors are required, by law, to inform you of any and all side effects, no matter how rare. They also try to set the bar for expectations low. If someone has been deaf for most of their life they might even have to have a...
  10. ambrosia

    Looking For Some Help Wth Ci

    Have you tried another audiologist? Or maybe asking if a company rep, what brand do you have? Can sit in on the session to trouble shoot?
  11. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    I don't think he knows. All that is is the abstract, not the full paper, and there's no link to the full paper. But it hardly supports his assertions. I just popped in during my 2 minute rest between sets of my work. Maybe later I'll check out the rest of the links. Maybe not. Meh
  12. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    In other words there are many legitimate reasons, but by no means justifiable, why kids aren't getting ASL. To rectify them THOSE reasons need to be addressed. You're not going solve shit by implying there's some mass conspiracy going to eradicate Deaf culture to make everyone dependent on...
  13. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    Do not take my refusal to engage in a debate of conspiracy theories which would lend it legitimacy, as being "unable" to debate it. I'm dismissing it. Are there deaf children out there that should have been given ASL? Absolutely. Were they denied it because there's some mass conspiracy between...
  14. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    What was the screen name for that schizophrenic guy? His real name was like Jim? James?The guy that thought Reagan and Peter Gabriel unleashed AIDS in the US and he uncovered the plot so they kidnapped and deafened him? He was always going about deaf Jeanie. You're starting to sound like him hoichi.
  15. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    One girl is, both her parents are Deaf, she's already fluent My daughter's been teaching me, I don't think it's going to be something she loses but she's a lot more interested in it than my son. My CI works extremely well for me so ASL isn't something that's in dire need for me to learn. I...
  16. ambrosia

    Personal Story

    Not to mention it's taught in freaking high school as a foreign language. Both my kids are taking ASL in school, it's not going anywhere.
  17. ambrosia

    Should I Get An Implant?

    Exactly. I can feel sound and it's not just for a few pitches either almost all sound tickles my ear drum. I've tried wearing just the aid, to see how much speech I get, but nothing. Just gibberish. If t was helping me with speech I might try to push through but pffffft I understand almost 100%...
  18. ambrosia

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Everybody needs a massage. Me included :)
  19. ambrosia

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Oil, cream, lotion.....yeah. But the oil is usually jojoba, grape seed, sunflower etc. Even at my work they can have An aromatherapy oil added for more $$ but it's EO added to jojoba. You don't use more EO straight on the skin without a carrier oil, it will burn your skin. So the "safety" of it...
  20. ambrosia

    What did you learn today? Part II

    You know what else is store bought? Listerine. Know what else is safe? Deodorant. FYI when one company is trying to demonize and scare you off something as an incentive to get you to buy their products you're getting scammed. I'm a massage therapist, a field rolling in woo unfortunately. I will...