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  1. ambrosia

    Ci Rehab

    For the fist two weeks or so I heard what sounded like a sonar, echoing pinging. I think it was what I heard until my brain recognized what the sound was and sorted it out. Like okay that was a dog barking so I started to hear actual barking instead of the pinging? Brains are amazing
  2. ambrosia

    Ci Rehab

    Yes I've explained this to people on Facebook in comments sections. if someone has never heard English, or whatever language, is not going to understand it just because they're hearing it. I'll ask them, you can hear someone speaking Russian right? But that doesn't mean you understand it. It's...
  3. ambrosia

    Pro & Cons

    Hmmm while a lot of that advantages/disadvantages can stand some is debatable. For one thing it's dated, really really dated. It's from 2001, it's 15 years old and A LOT of improvements have been made. The expense issues had me scratching my head a bit. Even with hearing aids you still have...
  4. ambrosia

    Pro & Cons

    I have quite often commented on the videos that circulate around Facebook that it's more accurate to say that these people are first time with their CI than saying their hearing for the first time. The publics impression of a CI is rather irrelevant considering by and large they're not going to...
  5. ambrosia

    Pro & Cons

    Every video that is put out there is put out there by a person that is sharing their experience and their joy. It takes some pretty big balls, lack of perspective and maturity to tell people NOT to do that. For SOME people it is a hard journey yes, but for others it's easy. THAT'S the point. I...
  6. ambrosia

    Cis Are Not The Only Hearing Implants

    Those aren't covered under insurance, and works more like a hearing aid than a CI. It still works off amplification. AND the battery is good for only like 6 years or something I forget and you have to have another surgery just to change the battery and that's not covered by insurance either. On...
  7. ambrosia

    How are you feeling today? Part II

    Feeling tentatively optimistic the summer slump is almost over and after school starts my spa will get busier again. This whole week was slightly busier and today was a very good day. I was booked for five hours....cha Ching. I need more cha chinging haha
  8. ambrosia

    Pro & Cons

    That is a seriously douchy article. He/she is taking their experience and extrapolating to EVERYONE's experience. Notice they did not note that this was their individual experience, their anecdote, but insinuated that its's the same for everyone. Pfffft So this person was hearing but it took...
  9. ambrosia

    Let's See Your Kids!!

    I hadn't been on here in forever, didn't even know they were changing anything. But no big deal, I still have all my pictures, just cuz they're not on here doesn't mean they're gone, they're just not on here.
  10. ambrosia

    Deaf Couple Adopted A Cute Daughter From China.

    My brother, well one of them, is Filipino. Considering at the time my dad was in the Air Force and didn't make much money I'm positive it didn't cost any where near 20k. Not I. The Philippines and not in 84/85. We were living there at the time. We didn't get him from an orphanage either. My...
  11. ambrosia

    Let's See Your Kids!!

    Since alldeaf no longer is Mobile that would mean getting in a computer and uploading. Meh. When they redid the forum they wiped my albums too. Poo They're wicked cute, and also teenagers, you're just going to have to trust me ;) Actually there are pics of them on this site, buried somewhere...
  12. ambrosia

    Share Your Phobias!

    Heights, but more it's edges. I've been sky diving and I used to go quarry jumping. Sky diving, standing in the doorway to the plane? Wicked scary. But the actual falling through the sky? Not scary. Jumping off a cliff? Stomach in my throat when I stand at the edge and look down, but I can run...
  13. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    Jeeeesus you're like a little child you have to lead by the hand. No my daughter wasn't experiencing extreme pain you potato. She just ACTED like she was. Any parent at some point has rolled their eyes at their toddlers overreacting antics. This didn't think the kid really was experiencing...
  14. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    My daughter acted much the same way if I didn't put her socks on inside out mmmm'kay. If you put them on right side out and the seam was touching her toes when you put her shoes on by her reaction you'd think I her toes were being sliced off. Don't get me started on the tags in clothes. Welcome...
  15. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    Oh she's long gone, she won't be coming back. Probably one more parent that after getting flack like this will decide its best to keep their child far far away from the Deaf community. First impressions are important.
  16. ambrosia

    Gene Therapy (something New) Just Info

    Ehhhh thinking its dubious. It's not making a lot of sense to. They're talking about regrowing parts of the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve, not the hair cells, so I'm not sure why would this would help. The auditory nerve send the signal to your brain, you don't actually hear with it. It's...
  17. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    Meh, maybe. Granted she probably should have figured out right away something was going on with her CI for her to suddenly be acting like that and straight away ask the surgeon rather than Billy Joe Bob.......but I have little confidence in people's intelligence lately. Plus I've had enough...
  18. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    To answer you question of how you're the troll. She came asking why her daughter would suddenly start acting like that after being implanted for over a year with no issues. That's the topic. Did you answer the question? No, you didn't. Just pure inflammatory trolling. If you can't figure out...
  19. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    Oh are you? Because I've said that? Quote my words do not slander me Hahaha To the OP You have probably quickly figured out you've come to the wrong place for productive feedback, you'll just wander unwittingly into a toxic cesspool. First you need to talk to the surgeon, as I've already...
  20. ambrosia

    3 Yr Old Won't Wear Implant

    I only see one troll here, and it ain't her.