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  1. S

    I frustrated my grammer

    The first one contains the "are" linking verb, which is a present tense. The second one contains the "were" linking verb, which is a past tense. May I add a third? "We are going to have fun playing games." The phrase "are going to" is a future tense - self-explanatory. This is the same...
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    Gay Day at Disney World Orlando FL

    What about poor Pluto? :Ohno:
  3. S

    Deaf gay parents: signs for mom/dad

    ..... and "padre" - Spanish for father.
  4. S

    I frustrated my grammer

    Alas, English! My sujeto favorito! (Mind you, that's Spanish for "favorite subject") It's so important to improve on one's English and grammatical skills as well as reading/literature comprehension skills. My recommendation is to read, read, read lots of books. I don't care if it's some...
  5. S

    gay like me?

    Uh, shel ..... I think AquaBlue meant "Butch," which is a muscular woman.
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    Windows 7

    Win7 is just Vista Release 2. It's built on top of Vista. I have it also - running nicely.
  7. S

    Boy, 9, writes program that lets kids 'fingerpaint' on iPhone

    Pretty soon that kiddie would use programming language to get out of doing something, like writing a sentence 500 times on the blackboard. :roll: Not a good idea to teach a kid how to program in the first place - maybe when the kid reaches maturity, like 17-18, then it'd be alright. I...
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    New Signers' Funny Mistakes

    Exactly the same thing happened to a dear friend of mine from college - she signed that "fuck you" alternative sign when she meant to say Thank you. Had a good laugh after that.
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    No Cussing Club

    ¡Jodete! (Spanish for "fuck you") Va fa faire foutre! (French for "fuck you") People can cuss in foreign languages also ....... beware. *whistles*
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    Your experiences with Twins, triplets and higher multiples.

    I am a twin myself - my brother, who is hearing, is completely different. I also have him on my "hearing side" of Facebook.
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    Spider Bite (Warning: Graphic!)

    I once got bitten by a spider - left a red bump on the back of my thigh. 'Twas a long time ago - in '94.
  12. S

    The 4 New Moderators are...

    Ahh Alex - lol remember the original 5 from the ADv1 days? kevbo as the Super Mod, Pure Ion as the Elite Mod, and Vampy, LinuxGold, and Strawberry as the regular mods ..... sigh those were the days, huh? Oh btw, congrats to the new 4 from this month.
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    Actually, it doesn't make any difference. In fact, I've read (from a reliable source - forgot what it is) that children of gay parents are mostly straight and are more likely to keep their relationships stable than children of straight parents.
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    What is your stress relief?

    - Smoke a cig/drink a beer - Listen to music - Read comics - Meditate - think of a calm blue ocean and laying on the beach - Do some networking on my private network
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    Fantastic - then religious doctors would take clear advantage of this to convert homos into heteros. :roll:
  16. S

    Are you OUT ?

    You're cute, Sondheim. :)
  17. S

    Return of the Great Depression?

    Ugh. Welcome to the Great Depression II. At least my parents' and my sister's jobs are not lost. I'm an IT specialist at an university, so my job's secure. Schools, healthcare, and IT jobs are all secure jobs.
  18. S

    Who wants cheats and helpful hints ??

    Ugh - that's my OLD name (MDCodeRedFreak) you're replying to! How I have changed over the course of 6 years ..... If I was still that way today, I'd .... ew, still be naive.
  19. S

    Is Alldeaf turn to

    Obviously, Lucia. And YOU should be the shrink! What a surprise.
  20. S

    Windows XP allowed to live again

    Simple - do the math. Computers tend to have a base number of 2. I'd explain further, but it's late right now. 2 to the 32nd power is over 4 billion, hence the 32-bit limit of 4 GB. 2 to the 64th power is over 18 quintillion, 16 EB. But motherboards wouldn't even support 16 EB...