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  1. S

    If you had 1 Million Dollars...

    Pay off everything, buy a new house, Porsche car and every furniture in *one* payment without interest, buy the minor things I want, then build my own computer lab - maybe 12 workstations, 6 laptops and 4 servers (I already have 3!). The rest left off will be invested in the bank. My parents...
  2. S

    Are you a coffee person?....

    Cappuccino is my fave, since it is chocolate-flavored and I love chocolate.
  3. S

    New York next for Gay Marriage?

    Hmm okay ..... when gay marriage is finally legal in *ALL* 50 states of the USA, then I'll come out for sure.
  4. S

    When did you come out?

    I'm out only to a selected, trusted few friends ..... the rest, no way. Maybe in 2022 when I turn 40, then maybe I'd come out. Call me a closeted snob all you like, but I can't have my reputation damaged.
  5. S

    Deaf Boyfriend versus Hearing Boyfriend...

    My sentiments, exactly! I avoid the general deaf community, not *just* the deaf GLBT ones, at all costs. Call me a snob all you like, but that's just what my own observing eyes tell me.
  6. S

    Hearing person (cringes and hides) asking an honest and sensitive question

    Brainwashing me to do the stuff they wanted me to do - like hate the hearing community and such. Ugh I can't imagine how my life would be if I was still under the deaf curse via attending Gally or RIT. I prolly wouldn't have had many hearie friends. *shudders* No thanks.
  7. S

    gay like me?

    Holla from Indy also - :wave:
  8. S

    Why Deaf use Clapping or Hands Flying??

    I'd prefer hands clapping over the Hands Alive thing.
  9. S

    Hearing person (cringes and hides) asking an honest and sensitive question

    ..... and I feel sorry for the d/Deaf people. They are the ones who are being immature. Lol, I should have a T-shirt that says "Deaf people suck!" ... because seriously, they do suck. In 1997, when I joined the so-called deaf school in 8th grade, the deaf community put me under the "deaf...
  10. S

    its midnight and I cant sleep

    Mmmm - cappuccino coffee. My Fave. Caffeine is a must!
  11. S

    Return of the banned people! Part II.

    Hahaha - I remember seeing that in DM!
  12. S

    Windows XP allowed to live again

    Ha, because it's my first computer's OS. I'm thinking of getting rid of it next month.
  13. S

    Everything about Pizza

    No good night's kiss for you then. :laugh2: Ohh for myself, I'd prefer ALL pepperoni!
  14. S


    I can tell you're hitting on me, Byrdie ..... :giggle:
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    ¡Bienvenido de nuevo! (Spanish for "Welcome back!")
  16. S

    Windows XP allowed to live again

    Do whatever as you please; XP's mainstream support is still going to die next month. You guys who cling onto XP ..... are going to be SOL - no formal support, no component updates, no non-security hotfixes, etc.
  17. S

    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    Not guilty. Have you ever ran naked in your apt?
  18. S

    Who got snow?

    Alas, ¡nieve! ¡Mi favorito! :D
  19. S

    Calvin & Susie

    :giggle: Yup - 1985 to 1995, being stuck at 6 years old for 10 years...... Then when the comic strip ended, they moved on to 2nd grade in 1996. Now they graduated from HS in 2007 and married after that. Calvin and Susie really did sit in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. And now they have...
  20. S

    TGIF! What are you doing this weekend?

    El tiempo emborracharse. (Time to get drunk)