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  1. Adamsmomma

    [(o)] Photo Challenge: Happy/Joy! [4th]

    Adam's first Christmas-- He liked being in the big box...
  2. Adamsmomma

    Start my own business

    OOOH that would be cool... no harm in trying, right???
  3. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    I'm thinking about somebody... not something~~ (and I'm thinking how much I'd LOVE to stay home and be sleeping and not be here at work... looking for the duct tape for my co-workers loud mouth LOL :giggle:)
  4. Adamsmomma

    Post Your Last Purchase

    Those are cute!!
  5. Adamsmomma

    What did you learn today?

    Well I didn't learn it today, but this weekend-- just haven't taken time to post... Found out Adam has too much hearing to do the Functional MRI I was looking forward to getting... since he can hear out of his Right ear they're not able to do the test with out damaging his right ear/hearing...
  6. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    I'm thinking wtf am I awake at 3am??? Have to get up and to Childrens Hospital soon... neeeeeeed sleeeeeep!!
  7. Adamsmomma

    What did you learn today?

    I agree... they are some of the most beautiful kids around... like they get the best of both worlds... (but like you, I'm biased as well :) )
  8. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    Oh girl... its my brother I can leave lol
  9. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    It might be called up should the big one get outta hand LOL the little one I can handle it's the big one's attitude that makes me worry-- just have to remind him that I could just leave him there... :hmm:
  10. Adamsmomma

    Quick Progress--NOT mine either

    She'll go to his school and our home... usually most of his therapists see him at school then at least once a month we meet at home so I can review w/them and they see him in a different environment...
  11. Adamsmomma


    I've got a Motorola Cliq which is an Android Platform and OMG I LOVE it... the one I have is thru T-mobile and has a physical keyboard and a virutal one-- which is awesome b/c I text and surf so much-- I tend to switch phones all the time and I've had this one almost a year and it's not given me...
  12. Adamsmomma

    Quick Progress--NOT mine either

    Thank you ladies... Classes start tonight for me!!! OH and his new SLT wants to know what signs he's doing so she can re-enforce those while she's with him... I was pretty surprised and excited by that!!!
  13. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    I hope so... I am in no mood to deal with meltdowns... from EITHER boy! LOL
  14. Adamsmomma

    Amber Alert....deaf child

    A friend near Hickory told me about the pond tonight... I have such a hard time believing her father neglected to check on her after/during the fire they had?!?!?!!? We had a fire this past spring- and as I was calling 911 I was RUNNING to get Adam out of the house... even though the fire...
  15. Adamsmomma

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    I'm thinking... did I pack everything??? I REALLY need a stressfree weekend... should be easy with a 2.5 yr old and a 23 yr old right????
  16. Adamsmomma

    When is it considered babying your children or just showing love?

    If Nathan is well adjusted and a 'typical' child I see nothing wrong with that part of your night time routine... and I agree-- when he's too heavy stop carrying him... maybe you could do a piggy back ride to make it less like carrying but still that contact and closeness you both desire?? That...
  17. Adamsmomma

    Quick Progress--NOT mine either

    And this weekend it was his sign of choice LOL every time he turned around he signed HELP... sometimes appropriately even!! :) :) I'm excited to see what his functional MRI and hearing test show this week!! But he's doing great catching on w/his signing... I start classes tomorrow so hopefully...
  18. Adamsmomma

    Hearing Aid Charms

    someone told me about them when A wore his HA's... if he had been a girl and bit older I'dve done it... that's cute!!! I just can't see him using one-- he's too 'all boy'... unless it were a bug or football LOL
  19. Adamsmomma

    Home Burns to the Ground as Firefighters Stand and Watch

    When I lived in Knoxville nearly 15 years ago it was that way-- friends of mine lived in an area outside of the city's service area and had to pay Rural Metro to cover them-- thing that seemed odd to me is they were in city limits-- only they were outside of the original city limits-- and I...
  20. Adamsmomma

    Amber Alert....deaf child

    I saw this on my phone yesterday and it made me sick, actually it made me cry for this little girl-- it's things like this that worry me about raising a child in todays society... especially a child who is a 'different' from the norm as Adam is... If the step mother is responsible and the...