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  1. Psycrow

    This is for Guys only:

    I don't see the logic in moving this to Deaf/Hearing Relationships. This topic is about male opinions on wether or not women have it easier in life or not; how the heck does that signify it as a relationship topic?! Whichever mod moved this needs to move this back to General Discussion. >:|
  2. Psycrow

    This is for Guys only:

    Heck no, women get it worse. :( I sympathize every time when a female friend of mine has a nerve-shattering period or endures a miscarriage. A kick in the nuts doesn't even come close to either of those two, or anything else, for that matter. Even in body development, women have it bad, what...
  3. Psycrow

    The RIAA

    I'm willing to bet that in a few years, the RIAA is going to be broke due to a reversal of lawsuits and the people finally getting pissed off enough about this mess.
  4. Psycrow

    The RIAA

    Losing billions? Stars going broke? I haven't seen Fred Durst or Marilyn Manson out on the street with a tin cup lately, so...I call bullshit~ Go watch MTV's Cribs, and you'll understand just how small of an impact file-sharing is really having on the music industry. They're just greedy...
  5. Psycrow


    You need to chill, AND go back to school. It's okay to be stupid, go ahead and cry.
  6. Psycrow

    Guess what I ordered today???

    I vow that one of these days I shall aquire a T-Mobile, if not just to make my hearing friends jealous when I'm on AIM 24/7 or surfing the 'net while smoking up. ;)
  7. Psycrow


    Probably because your computer registry is fucked up, or your computer sucks. :P IconPackager owns me, I've been using it for nearly 4 years, along with WindowBlinds and neither of them have ever given me major problems. Combine both with Windows XP and everyone will be envying how cool your...
  8. Psycrow

    Favorite Author

    Stephen King, Terry Goodkind, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk...and too many more. I'm a frigging bookworm. :D
  9. Psycrow

    You ever get robbed?

    Technically, yeah. I was an idiot and left my wallet on top of one of the vending machines on A Level of Tower A. I was in a rather inebriated state, so it's no suprise I did something that boneheaded. Anyways, about five minutes later I remembered what I had done and scrambled to get back...
  10. Psycrow

    Your desktop. UPDATE!

    It looks kinda grainy 'cause JPG's a lossy format. :(
  11. Psycrow

    Wanna be a Mod?

    I want to be a mod!!!!
  12. Psycrow

    for people who don't know what Cerebral Palsy is:

    Actually, it can happen. I'm living proof. As of an assesment reqired by my I.E.P. when I was in 9th grade, they had discovered that my vocabulary surpassed that of a college Freshman-level English vocabulary and college Sophmore-level reading cognition. Sorry, but there are people who have...
  13. Psycrow

    What's the #1 thing you hate doing around the house?

    Cleaning the bathroom is my bane. It has to be done though, as I don't want to end up contracting some nasty bacteria that decided to congeal due to complete lack of hygine.
  14. Psycrow

    What if you found out your new roomate...

    Kick him out, simple as that. I have no respect for slobs, as they can impact your social life immensly. Who wants to hang out with a guy whose roomie leaves the room like a sty?
  15. Psycrow

    Artwork once request

    *does a double take* :shock:
  16. Psycrow

    You dont know who i am

    Don't worry about it, Stevey. I pointed out that you meant DoVip, and not whodatshroom. Would've been easier to tell who you were talking about if you had quoted, though. :p
  17. Psycrow

    You dont know who i am

    No one gives a shit who you are, boyo.
  18. Psycrow

    Metal Gear Solid 3 coming to gamecube

    Apparently it's not MGS3 that's not coming to GC, but a MGS1 remake. From : "Leading up to the release of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, rumors in and out of Japan have said Konami was...
  19. Psycrow

    How Tall are you ?

    :shock: Sounds like you've got penis on the mind.
  20. Psycrow

    Its Me

    :laugh2: The Internet has gone so low that people are bashing each other because of their signatures. Oy!