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  1. butterflygal

    Orgasm Simulator

    :rofl: :rofl: That's hilarious!
  2. butterflygal

    Violence Pregnancy and children..

    I know someone who was in an abusive relationship with her ex. She tried to hide her pregnancy because she knew he wouldn't like it but of course, he found out because he noticed she missed her period a few times so he decided to beat her up and punched her stomach repeatingly. The result is...
  3. butterflygal

    Woman charged with theft

    LOL.. THat's an odd thing to steal. What would she want to do with those eyeballs? IT was probably for a rush ride.
  4. butterflygal

    Breastmilk or formula....

    I breastfed and bottlefed both my kids. Both have pros and cons. I believe each woman has to make the decision themselves. I don't agree with people pushing about what everyone should do. It is a personal decision. For some women, maybe they feel they need to breastfeed because they wanted...
  5. butterflygal

    You feel best interest for your child involved sports or child pick their own sport.?

    Yes!! As long as they keep busy. If they keep doing positive activites then they are less likely to get in trouble!! :D
  6. butterflygal

    Have your family critize you on baby names?

    I disagree with how people should influence your decisions on how to name your children. It is entirely your choice and only ur choice.
  7. butterflygal

    MamaKatzie says it's a girl!!!

    Aww!! Congratulations!! A baby born is always a blessing and may your holidays be filled with happiness and of course some tears are allowed but only the tears of happiness!! :D
  8. butterflygal

    You feel best interest for your child involved sports or child pick their own sport.?

    For myself, when they are younger, I'd encourage them to try out a various kind of sports until they chose their favorite ones. You are right, parents cannot force their kids to play a certain sport. Our kids are their own persons and they have a right to choose what they like to do.
  9. butterflygal


    I'm so sorry you had to go through this especially when you wanted the baby. That is also why I am against abortion. So many parents are forcing their teens to have one. Many of them scream, kick, fight back to keep their child but usually they are overpowered. Cheri, I hope you believe...
  10. butterflygal


    Hi, I'm glad we both agree to disagree respectfully!! I have run into people who get mad cuz I don't support abortion. They start to think that I would try to change their minds which I wouldn't. People have their own opinions and I'm not even interested in trying to change their minds cuz...
  11. butterflygal


    Oh, about the one child policy in China. Does that mean they have a right to force women to have an abortion? You were talking about how those poor children were being hurt.. Let's look at a normal scene if a woman was to become pregnant with her second child. An example of forced...
  12. butterflygal


    Of course children are being abused everyday. That is unforunate but that is what child protection/children's aid is for!!! We don't offer abortion because what if that parent will be bad. I think it's wrong. I assume you are calling me high and mighty because I am a pro life. That is...
  13. butterflygal

    to be friends or not to be

    I try to be nice to all my exs. But sometimes it is just IMPOSSIBLE!! Some of them may carry a grudge and it could go too far.. :dunno:
  14. butterflygal

    Are you done with Christmas shopping?

    Me done now!! I spent $600 something dollars on my kids. :shock: Plus stuff for my family... I'm gonna be broke in Jan!! But who cares as long as everybody's happy!! :D
  15. butterflygal

    Could you open this Door ?

    :barf: That's how I feel when I got to 2.0!!
  16. butterflygal

    Happy Birthday Kevbo!

    Even though I don't know you, I still wish you a :birthday:!! :kiss:
  17. butterflygal


    Ahhh!! Abortion, my favorite debating topic!! :S I am pro life. I do not believe in abortions whatosver. I believe it is murder. IF a woman is 6 months pregnant and decides to have an abortion, she goes free while if a woman gives birth to a premature baby when she was 6 months pregnant...
  18. butterflygal

    Have anyone gave their kid a unusual name?

    My ex met a woman who named her son "Boom". :roll:
  19. butterflygal

    Sniper Mastermind Receives Death Sentence

    Let him get life in prision with no chance of parole and a roommate called Bubba....