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  1. sillycat

    Who are you?

    Your Age: In few months, 4-0 Your sex: Girl Sex orientation: Straight Are you taken or nontaken: Taken and wear chasity belt to prevent me from giving away my goodies to strange men :P Your Location what state you live in: Too much sunburn and smog And Post your picture: Privacy requested
  2. sillycat

    Tom Brady's New Girlfriend Pregnant

    This guy has lots of $$ and can afford tons of women and kiddies. I wish I can play and make ton of $$ and have beatiful people chasing my butt!! :cool:
  3. sillycat

    Deaf Germany VIDEO (subitities)

    Cute jokes about CI. :)
  4. sillycat

    Deaf VR counselor arrested by undercover cops for child cybersex case

    Its hard to believe if the predator is someone you know well and for years. I do not know if Kirby is truly a predator or was in a frame up. Have to wait for the trial. Besides, many predators often lead "double lives" which means they live one life as a married person with kids, job...
  5. sillycat


    When I saw your "title" for this thread...I thot u got a date with a hottie!! LOL Thats great you passed your ASL test. :)
  6. sillycat

    Is It Appropriate To .....

    I have no comments on this subject since its being debated to the death. I see that there are over 200 posts on this thread....Best to look up Miss Manners on this issue. ;)
  7. sillycat

    Scary 'Mary Poppins' Trailer

    LOL! Great parody of that old Disney movie. :lol: I seen that movie when I was a kid. I love old Disney movies becuz they are innocent and cute movies.
  8. sillycat

    In memory of Bear (Jason Rosenberg) <VID>

    sorry that he is gone. Its sad how that he ended his life so young but he is in a better place now. The vlog is a nice tribute to him. Very nice job.
  9. sillycat

    St Patrick's Party

    Wish I can fly to toledo, Oh to party with yoyu guys!! Ive visited toledo a few years ago and its a nice city with much cleaner air than where I live. :)
  10. sillycat

    Dog's dinners prove popular in Nigeria

    Dont forget that in some countries in Asia also eat dogs too...its part of their culture. They think dogs as food. People here in USA eat deer, buffalo, ducks, rabbits, etc which is thought of food too. The only thing that would make me sick if people eat animal's brains. Ive heard they do...
  11. sillycat

    I'm Officially Married! (pix)

    Congratulations!! Wish you many happy years of marriage with your man! :applause: :applause:
  12. sillycat

    how can you tell....

    If you said this person is on drugs and started talking crazy --like you said tongue lashing online then the odds are high that person is stoned on something. I would bet that this person is on drugs while online. If this person have no history of drug use or is not a heavy user, then its...
  13. sillycat

    Did Al Gore invent the internet?

    Gore is a politician!! How can he invent internet?? LOL But I read somewhere that he helped internet grow by passing regulation rules. Please correct me if Im wrong and that my brains are leaking...
  14. sillycat

    For Hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why

    :lol: Its basically ignorant and bully type of people who do that. Ive had a few of those experiences but not that often as an adult. I agree its those who are afraid of "different" people.
  15. sillycat

    What will your baby looks like?

    I am surprised that my baby doesn't look like a frankstein! Cute joke. ;)
  16. sillycat

    Al Gore's Mansion uses 20x Average HouseHold

    Gore can follow Bush's example of how to make his mansion more "green". Also another choice he can do is to downsize his house--sell his mansion for a smaller house which would use less electricity and gas for heat and lights, etc. Gore seems to have feet of clay....not a perfect role model.
  17. sillycat

    Understand me?

    Please keep personal out of the forum. If u need to talk personal, then use PM. Thanks. I think this thread is dead cuz the beautiful girl has not responded in months now. Looks like she got the advice here and made her decision. I may be wrong here but that is what it looks like now.
  18. sillycat

    Gallaudet at risk of losing accreditation

    The Gally protest brought up all those issues into the public and its time to clean up Gally's act.
  19. sillycat

    Cat gives birth to a mouse??

    I watched that video and it is a mouse for sure--it is way too small to be a baby kitten compared to other kittens in the video. There is no way in hell that is a kitten. :ugh3:
  20. sillycat

    Daniellelyn got her mother's body.

    Drama!! More drama!! Its a real crazy drama still going on even after Nicole's death.....first time I ever heard of people fighting over a person's body. I do hope the baby goes to the man who will love her and not the $$.