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  1. A

    Sign language and grammar

    jillio....vampy was the one who stated "SEE is more gramatically correct than ASL" so i was referring to him not you. while i certainly agree that SEE is not a *seperate* language from certainly IS a language...its english. just like you guys explained...when i write, i...
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    Dad sells son's 90-dollar video game online for more than 9000

    the best comment in this thread is this from liebling you're exactly right, this kid was not a child, he PURPOSELY, and KNOWINGLY did something he knew was wrong. this wasn't a matter of the kid didn't know any better, he knew exactly what he was doing. This is the kind of thing that...
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    why Ann Coulter is this way?

    all of her quotes are taken out of context, thats why people bash her so much. she is crass, sure. but she has the kind of biting wit that i relish. she makes jaws drop and makes people uncomfortable in their own skin. she is certainly not stupid. is obviously a joke about the lack of...
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    Sign language and grammar

    you could argue that SEE is in fact a language, its just not a natural language, its made up. and how can 1 language be more grammatically correct than another language? i think you meant to say SEE is more gramatically similar to english than least i hope so.
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    Pregnant at 13, mum at 14, GCSEs at 15

    high school teenagers do not need condoms to be thinking about sex, they are having it wether we like it or not. its obvious your personal bias in that article reba....there is any number of ways the girl could have avoided getting pregnant...using a condom instead of relying on the...
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    I signed a song.Mama im coming home

    im quite familiar with this song, so i perhaps might have some insights you may not heres a few comments. "mama" in this song is not his mother, he's referring to his wife. so signing "momma" is conceptually inaccurate. I would prolly drop that sign and not replace it, leave the...
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    Ear Plugs and Chewing Gum!!

    well....2 things if the point of the ear plugs is to protect your hearing from obscenly loud music, by all means do it. When my Deaf friends drag me to the speaker at a concert, if i didn't bring ear plugs i'd be in constant pain. Same thing with road trips if your trying to get what is...
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    Deaf Community vs. ASL students

    having a mixed group is riduculous for me. I guess im not as smooth as some others, because i am one of those people who tend to drop my hands when i voice. i dont do it on purpose, it happens. the 2 languages just arent compatible. even in turn-taking. when i am having a spoken conversation...
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    regardless of anything else....fingerspelling is something you WILL need to know. its easy to learn and will help you immensly.
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    Just curious about Deaf Pride history

    or it could be that deaf schools are failing to meet the educational needs of deaf children.
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    what is this phenonmena is called? Regarding the overuse of audism

    do the signs themselves have a monetary value? if not, then that is not a conceptually accurate way to sign that. idioms in general dont interpret well, you would have to explain the idea behind it. regarding the original topic, i dont think its any different than and black person...
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    Frustrated NON certified interpreter

    certified doesn't mean qualified. theres not really any other way to say it. there is not a whole lot of things in the sign language interpreting field that gives legitimacy to interpreters as professionals. the NIC test is one of those things. you have doctors who suck...they have all...
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    from a hear-er

    yes, there are lots of other sign languages around the world. ASL is most closely related to french sign language, as this is where ASL was adopted from. In england they may speak the same language americans do, but their sign is completely different. but just like the same language may be...
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    you cannot hear yourself if you make any noise

    imagine that everything that moves emitted a bright strobe light of varying intensity. some objects emit a soft strobe....some objects pulse a bright strobe 3 inches away from your eyes. sometimes people emit a strobe light from thier hands while your trying to sign with your friend. or if...
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    from a hear-er

    thats kinda the point. Hearing people arent well informed enough, and deaf people bear the brunt of this. most(not all) of the gripes deaf people have regarding communication are legit. If a hearing person talks down to another hearing person for any reason, its not acceptable, and there's no...
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    Have u ever passed up a once in a lifetime opportunity?

    i passed up an oppurtunity to move to florida with my girlfriend... it may have been a one time thing, i dunno. but the longer shes there and im here, the less chance we will get back together.
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    The first move

    welcome to the dating life. its only downhill from here. she's giving you clues both ways, when she wants it and when she doesn't...your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out her clues. it could be something simple that you'd never catch. if you dont want to play games...
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    What does this t shirt mean?

    the "facepalm" was in reference to some people in the interpreting field who like to feel superior to anyone they consider "less than" themselves, or anyone whos not a coda, or has 35 years of terping expierence. they must get that expierence in a vacuum cause noone else is qualified to practice...
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    I’m going to Sorenson tomorrow!

    when you work for sorenson, they make you sign a contract saying that you wont work for another vrs for 2 years after you leave sorenson. that means if they hire you, and you sign it, then move and there is no sorenson center, or you get fired, or you quit for whatever reason, no other vrs...
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    I’m going to Sorenson tomorrow!

    im hearing, and i have a my name. as with anything in life, its not "what" you know, but "who". the reason they wont give them to hearing people is because a)there would be less of them for deaf and b)hearing people dont use relay, and relay is how sorenson makes its money.