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    your going about it the right way. i know it prolly feels like we are shooting down everything you say and telling you that you are doing and thinking everything wrong...but we all were at the same place at one point or another. and its better to learn from here as much as you can to augment...
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    For Hearies Only

    i worked with a Deaf guy a few years ago, and worked with him for over a year and didn't know anything abotu the guy, so i decided to try and communicate with him, in his language.
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    this question made me giggle.....its just like your previous question. You are, without intending to, looking down on Deaf people, by assuming that they are waiting for approval from hearing people. they don't need the approval of the hearing commmunity. its your job to navigate through their...
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    So Many Different Signs for One Word.

    there is also context. I "love" you i "love" the mets I "love" dogs are all signed different because they have different meanings.
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    Is it OK for an ASL teacher to be Hearing?

    do you have to be white to teach english? of course not 2 teachers, one hearing one deaf. hearing is coda, deaf was raised oral...does that mean the deaf person has more of a "right" to teach asl? of course not... hearing status has ZERO bearing on wether one is qualified to teach...
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    What Ticks You Off (Most) About The Deaf Culture?

    i hate how if a hearing person has an opinion on a controversial subject, their thoughts on the matter are relagated to "oh you wouldn't understand, you're not deaf." i almost lost a good friend because i disagreed with him on a controversial subject, and he completely minimalized my thoughts...
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    there is a mountain of difference between you interpreting for your grandmother, and being a professional interpreter. first of...when you interpret for your grandmother, you are "helping". you filter the info and present the important parts to her. you prolly also help her make decisions in...
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    World of Warcraft

    i was an EQ addict for many many years, i kicked the addiction and havent tried wow, despite wanting to many many times. as an aside, you asnwer the phone using your board handle? i placed a VRS call to someone who picked up and greeted me with your name...i found it odd :)
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    VRS question

    i know what you mean. maybe my center isn't as strict, but im not always shiny fact i would say most times im not, unless the people in my center are being exceptionally playful and im in a good mood. im polite and to the point, ill chat with them if they want, even tho you arent...
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    Should We Subtitle Our Vlogs?

    you want things captioned right?
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    VRS question

    not announcing is not that big of a deal, i do it all the time. if they tell you not to announce, just ask for some information upfront before you connect the call. such as thier name, the reason they are calling. if they get upset over the questions, just explain this will help their call go...
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    So-called Terps- Sending Deaf PPL to Hell

    the phrase "secure my ticket to heaven" has got to be by far, the best quote EVER
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    Someone Please Explain...

    how were you supposed to decide at age 3 wether you wanted to be part of your "deaf heritage"?
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    Movie "The Quiet" and Psychosomatic Deafness

    maybe you are just being overly critical. i dont know how people like that enjoy ANY movie. Like the fan boi's who criticize every comic book movie that comes out, or of any genre that has a following, that rip every single movie to shred. why can't people just sit back and enjoy the story...
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    New RID test--is it passable???

    maybe its just me, but if i am going to be hiring someone...anyone. then im going to do a little research into what i am paying for. if you don't know what the credentials for a specific profession are, educate yourself. with the internet, and in this day and age, ignorance for any reason is no...
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    New RID test--is it passable???

    um, no. perhaps you should re-read whats going on. if i hire you out of the blue without knowing anything about you, then yes...i am stupid. the point i was making, is saying that a certification is nessecary simply because people who hire and use interpreters are too lazy or yes...stupid...
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    New RID test--is it passable???

    who's fault is that? its not the fault of the uncertified interpreters that people are too stupid. in my entire state, there is 2 people who are NIC certified, if you didn't get a CI/CT, then you got a really long uphill battle as a new interpreter.
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    In the Hands of the Interpreter

    i assumed "2 forms of sign language" were ASL and SEE, since both were mentioned by name in the article. the part the puzzled me was how they were going to analyze frame by frame to gauge accuracy....
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    What the bleep?!

    for thunder scaring you, it would be "shit"...not the sign for literally taking a dump, but the "aww shit" sign. if it's like " what the f**k was that" then it would be prolly "puzzled" with 4 fingers
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    Sign language and grammar

    i realize we are talking in circles...but for the sake of argument, one could state that SEE can and will evolve....haha