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    Sign Language in Hospitals

    this may be a dumb question..., and completely off topic... it's been my understanding that a translator works from frozen text...writings usually, and the translators never sees his audience....and an interpreter works with language as its being produced, and is generally seeing his...
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    interpreting for an english class

    anyone know of any on-line resources where i can find some signs for words used in english class. most grammar type stuff, verb, pronoun etc. thanks
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    Sign Language in Hospitals

    if doctors aren't required to know every language they might encounter, then a signed language is no different. Deaf people aren't special.
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    Terps should find another career choice...straight out. find one that doesn't involve you having any sort of internet access, or physical presence with normal rational human beings. you are in here blowing up at people, not listening, name calling...and then talking to yourself for a...
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    this thread reminds me of my everquest days, i haven't seen a meltdown this good in a loooong
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    heh i gave up like 5 pages ago. while i admit i've had stand-off moments with terps on this board before as well....everyone has done nothing but bend over backwards for you AB, and you dont want to listen to any idea that may conflict with what you are already going to do anyway. you...
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    like i said, you wont be rich. but you will be able to afford the nessecities.
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    Help with Classifiers...

    thats a hard question. think about when a hearing person is talking. some people are boring, some have monotone, some people are great storytellers...some people aren't. in ASL, the people who master classifiers are extremely fun to watch, and keep peoples attention. they are the masters...
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    i live in a part of the country that is considered *ridiculously* cheap to live in....and im just now entering the field, but i have years of expierence in Deaf culture. but in terms of money, im doubling on an hourly basis what i was making before, doing unskilled labor... itnerpreting is a...
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    yes i would althought thats how i did it, i wouldn't recommend it to other new terps. Agencies, are definately the best. the reason VRS is so much harder, in my opinion, is the level of voicing that is required. in all my other interpreting situations, voicing is little to none...
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    ive pretty much come to the conclusion, AB is gonna learn the way AB wants to, regardless of what anyone says. and thats not wrong, we all did that. One day he will have the "ah-ha!" moment we all had and then everything will become clear. to continue the child analogy, right now its like...
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    I'd like to learn French Sign Language

    we say LSQ for the sign language used in quebec...we use the signs from LSF for thier cities, and well and try to incorporate each language into ASL when referring to cities in their respective countries....i dont see why we simplify it to FSL. It propagates the idea that every sign language is...
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    i hear international sign language is used at international conferences, and from what ive been told, you can have a basic conversation with a ISL user in ASL. so unless you plan to work those kinds of rare situations, there's no need for it. Im sure in these situations they might use a CDI
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    transliterating is one of the aspects of interpreting i dont care for. its so cumbersome.
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    What is your opinion on teaching ASL to primates/apes?

    what does that mean exactly. im not familiar with Washoe, but i heard a bit and seen a documentary on Koko, the gorilla counterpart to washoe. and from what i could tell, they WERE not only communicating with the trainers when they wanted stuff, but Koko was able to express her saddness to...
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    ha, nah ill keep those to myself. its the same as any other job, its got the good the bad and the ugly.
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    man i was away for a few days and missed all the action. seems like you just need to slow down AB. it takes time, and it shouldn't comsume everything you do. you will get burnt out, and then you'll plateau and wont improve any. i never cracked a single sign language or Deaf culture book...
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    Marlee Matlin

    im surprised there has been such positive responses about her here...perhaps in a generational thing. ive heard from countless individuals how they dont like her, how she isn't Deaf enough, because during her award speech, she used her voice instead of signing, furthering the negative stigma.
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    sign language disctionaries feel completely useless to me. maybe its a personal thing, but no matter how many of those things i looked at, i never remembered a single sign. i dunno if you know about ASL pro, but thats a much better site than a disctionary.