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  1. doh

    Good news for Gays Marriage

    The LAW states that they can't give consent. Therefor it is UNLAWFUL to act upon those desires.
  2. doh

    Stereotype or not?

    If the hearing loss is due to Meniere's Disease then there will be balance issues. Personally I lose my balance and have to catch myself. Have yet to fall - i have catlike reflexes :D
  3. doh

    Good news for Gays Marriage

    Neither minors nor nonhumans can give consent and as such it is unlawful.:crazy:
  4. doh

    Why I hate the evolution/creationism debate

    Give The Talk.Origins Archive: Must-Read FAQs a read. I'm curious what people who claim something is "just" theory think about number theory and gravity, both of which are "just theories". Shall be my final post as does a good job in dealing with the subject of, well, origins.
  5. doh

    Why I hate the evolution/creationism debate

    Creation myths generally are taught but not in biology classes or science classes, rather, they are taught in social studies classes where the aim of the course is to learn about other societies and their mythos. Creation and things similar to it are non-testable and therefor require faith...
  6. doh

    Why I hate the evolution/creationism debate

    How do you feel about gravity? ;) Or number theory? :)
  7. doh

    Why I hate the evolution/creationism debate

    Teaching children outright lies in public schools that are blatently contradicted by well-established fact is "what's wrong". Evolution is a cumulative phenomenon and will hardly give any "noticable effect" in 100 years in a species that reproduces so infrequently. There's a different time...
  8. doh

    How Do You Count Cash?

    I count US way. :) But normally I use debit card ! I never used cheques even.
  9. doh

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    I was standing on a corner in Toronto, Canada waiting for a friend and a lady came up to me to ask me something. Didn't hear the first thing she said but heard the street. I said to her "Sorry?" trying to get her to repeat and she said "Oh, sorry" :dunno: and asked the person NEXT TO ME...
  10. doh

    Should We Subtitle Our Vlogs?

    Yes, or at least a transcript.
  11. doh

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Difficult. British people say things differently than Americans and it's almost impossible for me. I've had no formal classes but I do ok in rochester or torono in the US and Canada, respectively.
  12. doh

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    covering their mouth when they talk!!
  13. doh

    What's your nickname?

    people just call me lisa :)
  14. doh

    No book thread? What are you reading!

    I mostly agree. With The Lord of the Rings it was different. In many ways the film helped clarify what I was imagining. The books were fantastic but the films were too; they didn't disappoint. I am sad though because I don't get much time to read. I used to read on my way to/from work but I...
  15. doh

    No book thread? What are you reading!

    I didn't see any thread to talk about books so I thought I'd make one! Say what book you're reading now and recommend a book to be read by others (describe it without spoiling it, too). I'm reading The Blind Watchmaker. This book is about Evolution by Natural Selection. It's ...
  16. doh

    Do you watch ASL Blogs/Vlogs on YouTube?

    Are any captioned? ;) I haven't found many... (then again most videos on youtube aren't captioned)
  17. doh

    Best deafie vs. hearie joke

    YouTube - Bob's House -- Pepsi's new Super Bowl Ad :)
  18. doh

    May I ask what you all do for a

    I am a programmer...
  19. doh

    Good news? (Abortions)

    As I demonstrated a pregnancy fits the bill of a parasite. I would imagine that you are vehemently against suicide because of your chosen religion. How could someone possibly chose to "self-abort" without the...
  20. doh

    Good news? (Abortions)

    Seems to me that an embryo-come-foetus fits the bill of a parasite: "an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plant); the parasite obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host"