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  1. G

    Hi & livejournal!

    Hi there! I have an LJ account--I'm at
  2. G

    Only deaf for a month now!

    Welcome to AD! I am sorry you suddenly lost your hearing. That must be pretty scary! However, I'm sure you'll do well in life anyway. :) Best of luck to you! You may also talk to me if you wish. I'm a hearing person who's fluent in American Sign Language and I have experience in the Deaf World. :)
  3. G

    "Oh, you speak so well!" and other annoying comments

    :pissed: I'm hearing and can totally understand why those comments are so offensive. Whenever I can, I let hearing people know why those comments are offensive.
  4. G

    I guess I'm back!

    Thank you. I remember you too :D
  5. G

    I guess I'm back!

    Thank you. :hug: My ex-girlfriend kept lying about me and getting me in trouble so I had to leave for a while, but thankfully she's banned.
  6. G

    Cochlear implant mends lives

    Yeah, I'd have to agree. (I'm going to be a paraeducator myself :) ) Well, he does act like a salesperson and ignores what anyone else says about it.
  7. G

    Cochlear implant mends lives

    Apparently Cloggy is STILL the CI salesperson. :laugh2:
  8. G

    I guess I'm back!

    Well, I have not been very active here for quite a while, but now that the person who drove me away has been banned, I guess it's safe to return! For those of you who don't know me, I used to date a deaf person and have tried to remain active in the Deaf community even after the break-up. I...
  9. G

    How do you...

    It may help to try to make Internet friends, since the guy can get to know you before you have to tell him that you're HoH. And if he doesn't accept your HoH-ness, then he just isn't right for you... I hope that helps and good luck!
  10. G

    Dog Dies After Being Set On Fire

    I say we set the guy responsible on fire!:pissed:
  11. G

    Large dairy stripped of organic certification

    I've considered soy milk but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I've heard lots of good things about it, so I may try it soon. :)
  12. G

    REMINDER: CHANGE; Daylight Saving Time....

    If you're using Windows XP, you can have the time automatically set for you by enabling NTP from the time and date settings dialog box (where you set the clock).
  13. G

    REMINDER: CHANGE; Daylight Saving Time....

    That caught me by surprise last night when it went from 1:59 to 3:00... Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy users should have the DST update by now. ^_^
  14. G

    hi from a hearing person

    Welcome from another hearing person! I hope it works out for you. I was dating a deaf girl when I joined this site, but she taught me more than the site did. ;)
  15. G

    Do you feel or think that CI ruin.......?

    VamPyroX makes a good point.
  16. G

    How much MP is your digital camera capable?

    My HP PhotoSmart E327 is 5 megapixels, but I rarely use that high of resolution since I don't need it that high. I normally just take pictures to transmit on the Internet, so I usually use 640x480 resolution, due to people complaining that the pictures were too big,
  17. G

    Did Al Gore invent the internet?

    Bill Gates sure as hell did NOT invent the Internet! He had nothing to do with it. In fact, Windows was the LAST operating system to support it! (I have no clue why people give him credit for that.) DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, invented the Internet in the 60's to aid...
  18. G

    For Hearing to answer only: I am deaf and want to know why

    Because hearing people either are truly ignorant (and need education about deafness), or because they are raised to make fun of that which they don't understand. Most hearing people have had no contact whatsoever with anyone who's deaf, and they aren't taught much about the right thing to do...
  19. G

    Understand me?

    This whole thread is personal in nature.