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    Jack and the Beanstalk

    No, it is for fun.
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    Jack and the Beanstalk

    "Jack and the Beanstalk' in American Sign Language by Peter Cook" does not tell the WHOLE story. I do not want to watch students who are hearing sign for the story, because they are learning ASL I only prefer to find accurate information and signs.
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    Jack and the Beanstalk

    I am looking for someone else who is Deaf and fluent in ASL. He or she may tell the story about "Jack and the Beanstalk". It is hard to find online. I would like to watch it. I really appreciate it if you could find it for me. Thanks for reading this post.
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    Study-Work and SSI

    I am a college student. If I have a study-work, will SSI be affected? Should I inform it?
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    Transcribing Voice Recorder for Captioning Services

    Thank you for the information. I do not know that. It is even more complex than I thought. I wonder if I can record personal conversations. Is Purple Communications a relay service? Does it accept a voice recorder for recording conversations?
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    Transcribing Voice Recorder for Captioning Services

    Hello, everyone. I have used a voice recorder on my phone for recording conversations. However, there is no interpreter, I have a hard time to hear what my family members or friends in a group say. Are captioning services able to get records and transcribe them? Thank you for reading this post.
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    Sign for Google, Yahoo!, and Bing

    I just am curious. I can't find ASL dictionary signs online.
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    Vrs overhaul to improve phone service for americans with disabilities

    if i call a wrong deaf person, will wrong phone number be deleted from receieved call i could not put the full question in the title. Here is: If i call unknown wrong deaf person, will phone number and name be deleted from missed and received calls? I am curious. Sometimes i got a...
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    Sign for solicitation

    Solicitation | Define Solicitation at "Solicitation" means to ask people to do something for you, right? I can't find the sign for it.
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    How do you sign middle school in ASL?

    Middle school > Sign for "Middle" For me, I have a hard time to explain what the sign is. Hmm... In front of a chest, using handshape "B" without the thumb touching on a palm, a right middle finger touches on a left palm hand. Sign for "School"...
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    Edit my post

    I put the post a few months ago. I review one of my posts. There is no "edit" button. How do I edit it?
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    is AD an android app

    I wish we can have AllDeaf app for Android or Iphone. Alex, please include fonts that can make large print for deaf people who have vision problems. Please do not make too tiny print on app that we can't see them.
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    If I wear my CI, is it okay to go through security checkpoint at airport?

    Jiro, why do you post about "TSA soldier pat down"? I think it should be not on this thread.
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    Deaf parents beat five month old baby girl to death due stop her cry and cant hear

    Awful. :( I feel too pity for the baby. Deaf parents need to understand what crying baby is, and kindly take care of a baby.
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    N5 Cochear implant How long does batteries last until they are dead?

    I am planning to travel on my vacation this summer for 8 weeks. I prefer to use batteries instead of the charge. I have my Nucleus 5 Cochlear Implant. Before receiving N5, I can't remember what my old cochlear implant is (Maybe 4g EGrit). I can't spell it, anyway. 4G EgGrit needs 3 batteries...
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    If I wear my CI, is it okay to go through security checkpoint at airport?

    Okay. I understand. Should I bring my cochlear implant ID? ID is like to show what I have CI.
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    If I wear my CI, is it okay to go through security checkpoint at airport?

    If I have my CI, can I go through security checkpoint at airport? Last year, I went to security checkpoint at first time; however, my teachers told flight assistants (probably officers) about students' CI and rather use padding down instead. After returning to home, I had an appointment with...
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    Deaf International

    I thought about Deaf International. It is good to meet Deaf people who come from different countries know foreign sign languages. It should be cool. Are you interesting to add "Deaf International" category to AD?
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    Sign for crime

    I have wondered about sign for crime. I can't find it on ASL dictionaries online. What is the sign for crime?
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    Sinkhole in Chicago swallows cars

    Wow! It reminds me of a sinkhole in Florida. :(