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  1. M

    Just learning ASL

    Hey Kathy...welcome to AD :wave: It's nice to know your learning for the sake of your son =)
  2. M

    Hello from MN! :)

    Welcome to AD Lisa :wave:
  3. M

    Interested in learning :)

    Hello Sarah...Welcome to AD :wave:
  4. M

    Hello! New HoH from Maine

    Welcome to AD Rubiegem :wave:
  5. M

    I'm Tara :)

    Well I learnt BSL from my parents.... My brother is HoH.... It's a difficult thing to master....
  6. M

    So you don't even belong here.... Da da da.

    :giggle: Aw I'll be fine *Breathing deeply while shuffling a bit*
  7. M

    So you don't even belong here.... Da da da.

    :giggle: I never thought I was this closterphobic....:hmm:
  8. M

    JoshB did you hear about the new video game?

    Happy birthday JoshB :D
  9. M

    What did you learn today?

    I think I would probably need to learn that cup of cofee seriously ain't enough Hows that going for you?? Dats a lovely thought...quite deep for this time of morning though :D
  10. M

    The craziest thing you've ever done?

    Tried to recycle myself when I was 6 years old....
  11. M

    So you don't even belong here.... Da da da.

    or write....I'm not bad at writing or typing.... Definatly dogmom...I've never like I belong before...erm how many people are in this corner's getting kinda squashed....
  12. M

    hi to all

    Hi :wave: Welcome to AD... Have fun posting... Are you deaf/HoH/hearing?? (curious to know for we have all kinds of people here from all over the place)....
  13. M

    Swimming in the wet web sea

    Welcome to AD Kathleen....:wave: Have fun posting and I'll see you around :)
  14. M

    I'm Tara :)

    That's's good to have support in your studies
  15. M

    Im New here!

    You're welcome :)
  16. M

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Happy birthday for tomorrow :)
  17. M

    What did you learn today?

    That sucks :(
  18. M

    So you don't even belong here.... Da da da.

    You're always cheers me up when I have a rough day.... Technology can be a useful thing for people like me who signs because I don't talk....
  19. M

    I'm Tara :)

    That's good...I hope you do well in your studies :)
  20. M

    Im New here!

    Deaf off Drugs and alcohol is it not??? Welcome warriorsfan1234 :wave: