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  1. PinkyZebra

    Oklahoma high court clears way for two inmates' executions

    That is good for him! He is in the hell! That is horrible crime!
  2. PinkyZebra

    FCC plans $119 million fine alleged false billing cal trs provider

    FCC Plans $11.9M Fine For Alleged False Billing By Cal. TRS Provider |
  3. PinkyZebra

    Olympic Star arrest for his girlfriend's murder

    'Oscar Pistorius shot my sister in a fit of rage': Reeva Steenkamp's family on court case | Mail Online
  4. PinkyZebra

    Olympic Star arrest for his girlfriend's murder

    I'm reading your old thread from last year ago. Have you watch Oscar's live trial recently? He will be back on May 5h. Do you think he is guilty or not? I believe he is guilty of murder his girlfriend Reeva. I don't believe his story testimony, he is a disgusting liar! His old lead...
  5. PinkyZebra

    Is this Bad Parenting to you???

    Smh. He is bad dad for kicked his son and had no patient. His son is so younger and still learning how to trick with jump. His dad is wrong for done to him. He did remorseful for made mistake. Shamed on him. I felt sorry for little boy.
  6. PinkyZebra

    Do you have an allergy to pollen?

    I forget about wear garden hat and beach hat. Thank you for remind me. My hair is long over my shoulders I might should wear pull up my hair. The pollen can stick on my jacket with hoodie while I was outside for walking on the trails through the wood. I wish the world is pollen free zone...
  7. PinkyZebra

    pregnant mother heavyweight lifts she nearly baby dues

    I was pregnant with my son. I did exercise light not use a weightlifting. I had to follow doctor's advice. I can't ride on the bike until my son's born and heal for 4 weeks. I did exercise during swimming in the pool. I used the big ball for exercise. Whenever my back was pain and need...
  8. PinkyZebra

    Question for the grandparents.

    Well. I have a baby monitor with vibrate. I never let my infant son sleep with me until he is toddler years. I was panic and not want to hurt my son when he fall down on the floor. My husband is hearing and can hear our son's cry for change the diaper. My son was crying for diaper or...
  9. PinkyZebra

    Casey Anthony convictions thrown out

    I have no clue who is faults. :dunno: I was in Sea World Orlando for honeymoon. I stayed at Orlando in June 16 through June 22, 2008. I never heard of Caylee's missed until her grandma Cindy reported missed in July 14. I was shock and disgust with Casey done to Caylee in drown and put her...
  10. PinkyZebra

    Caribbean mother abuse her own 12 years old daughter with whipping belt!

    Smh. I'm not support the spank with object for discipline. It's hurt the skin on butt. The mother is wrong to abuse on her daughter with belt whipping. The spank with object of paddle, belt, and whipping are abusive. For my son's misbehave and wrongdoing to use a bat hit in me and...
  11. PinkyZebra

    Russia wants WWIII

    That is nothing news! It's so ridicilous! We don't need to involve with WWIII again. I believe the Russian people are cool and want to be peace in their country. The government is bad and need to be remove the leaders like I told you in another thread that I locked it. I watched the news...
  12. PinkyZebra

    Grow ur own Pineapple Plant....

    I don't mind to grow a pineapple plant in my backyard but I don't live in south climate. If I live in Florida and would grow my own pineapple plant. I'm a pineapple's lover. LoL.
  13. PinkyZebra

    Smoking Vapes as an E-cigsrettes

    Hey moderator. Can you edit my title thread that I got wrong spell cigarsette change to cigarette please? Thank you!
  14. PinkyZebra

    Chicken Wings ice Cream

    Holy shit! So yuck! LoL
  15. PinkyZebra

    Do you have an allergy to pollen?

    Wow! I never have an allergy until I became teenager. I had a sinus infected for 3 years. I knew you told me that you're allergy to ragweed. I notice the ragweed is growing in my backyard. I put my garden gloves on and remove the ragweeds and toss in the dumpster.
  16. PinkyZebra

    Do you have an allergy to pollen?

    I always clean the dusts with pollen off the windows every week. I hate right see the black on paper towels after I cleaned off. It is so gross. I can't hold my breath while I clean the dust off. The dust and pollen always come through my nose and eyes. I might I have allergy to my dog's...
  17. PinkyZebra

    Meet 6 Incredible 'Bionic' Pets With Prosthetic Limbs

    Wow! It's so expensive to buy a prosthetic for pets. I saw the video of small dog lost her back legs. She have to use a roller for special walker. I felt sorry for pets lost the legs to make a difficult to walk. The technology is improvement for pet with special need.
  18. PinkyZebra

    Metals to Avoid Using for Body Piercing

    That is true. But my dad started smoking when he was 13 years old in 60's. Then teenagers do drugs in 80's until now. The body piercing for teenager in 90's until now. The parents had approve to allow their teen child to take a navel pierce, tongue piercing, right lower lip piercing and also...
  19. PinkyZebra

    Do you have an allergy to pollen?

    I'm enjoying the Spring through Fall season. At least I have an allergy to pollen and have a nose runny, eye tears, mild sore throat and sneezing. I tried to get an allergy medicines. That is not working for me. My mom will bring me some Zyrtec to get rid of sympton. I never try Zyrtec...
  20. PinkyZebra

    ASL or other sign language users? Parenting question

    Do you have a deaf child? I'm deaf and have a hearing son. I taught him in baby sign and ASL since he was infant. He can say milk, more, mommy, daddy and bath. Then he learned more sign language when he was two years old. He can speaking with hearing people very well. His first...