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    pat robertson says ok to divorce if sick

    I couldn't believe Pat Robertson has the nerve to say it's ok to divorce if your spouse has Alzheimer's Disease!
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    Sarah Palin had one night stand with former college basketball star Glen Rice?

    so, a white girl slept with a black man?
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    'Super-Earth,' 1 of 50 Newfound Alien Planets, Could Potentially Support Life

    I would think that given natural selection, it will create life. We don't really know how much gravity is considered unsuitable for life. For all we know, they could have flat headed organisms and short legs!
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    Debate GOP

    but it's their response that is disappointinng - they'd rather just let them die.
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    I predict deaf population will be smaller.

    This should help illustrate why I think it will start to happen within 40 years: The Age of Spiritual Machines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And remember, virtually all of Kurzweil's predictions came true. He predicted CI's will be widely used in 2019 but I think he's predicting that too...
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    I predict deaf population will be smaller.

    I do agree with sequoias. Of course there will be deaf people around for a long time - but they won't see the popularity as it was once back then, 40 years ago where a lot of deaf people were deafened due to measles breakout. But I predict that deafness will start to become a thing of the...
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    Dexter Williams found dead inside Maumelle home

    I am not questioning his sexuality... it's obvious from what the article said. My question is where's his spouse? I don't see anything about his spouse.
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    Man charged with defrauding deaf investors

    I know. It pisses me off how he scammed off those people.
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    Dexter Williams found dead inside Maumelle home

    he's not married.. where did you see that he's married. gays cannot marry in Arkansas. And the dead's parents say that he's "easily influenced." Hello? He's 24. He's old enough. That's one of the possible consequences for being stupid and taking drugs. And maybe they need to understand the...
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    the real men economic stimulus plan

    hell I don't want to be white trash.. no thanks!
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    Man charged with defrauding deaf investors

    It's amazing HOW deaf people fall for it. That's a lot of money lost.
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    Dexter Williams found dead inside Maumelle home

    you people - they were snorting drugs (meth likely) and they were having some rowdy rough sex activities. There's ALWAYS a high risk of serious injury or death. I think Dexter overdosed or strangled himself accidentally. The blood found is probably leaking from his anus due to anal sex. When you...
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    Fetuses don't percieve pain

    oh really? :)
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    Fetuses don't percieve pain

    If that's the case, then it would suck as it would mean the entire skin is painful. But this study is of interest saying that premmies have altered responses to pain in later life: "Premature infants who need intensive care or surgery are less sensitive to thermal (hot and cold) sensations...
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    Fetuses don't percieve pain

    As for fish, it may be true BUT it isn't true for infants. The babies get a jolt of stress from eternal stimuli. Their bodies produce a LOT of stress hormones. Their heart rate goes very high. That's NORMAL. They need to have some stresses to help them function better. You DEFINITELY need...
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    Fetuses don't percieve pain

    "Hmmm.... I got the impression that the study indicates that "touch" and "pain" are perceived as being the same thing - in other words, that all touch is perceived as "pain" up until the 35 week period. That corresponds to how my nephew was, too. He was born slightly more than 7 weeks early, and...
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    Fetuses don't percieve pain

    I am pro-choice and it's nice to know that fetuses don't perceive pain until 35 weeks or later... that's just before they are about to be born. "Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from around 35-37 weeks gestation -- just before an infant would normally be...
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    Google is a Electricity Hog.

    Didn't google want to build power plants?
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    Jobs Act

    I'm in. :)
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    An accidental homosexuality experiment?

    I think there are actually fewer practicing homosexuals nowadays than back then due to birth controls. Back then, a lot of guys practiced homosexuality as a way to protect themselves from being daddies but with birth control being accessible, they feel more comfortable having sex with women and...