I wrote the web satellite program. You can type ?url=<URL HERE> at http://beta50.unlimitedflash.com/crawler_test.php?url=
Web Satellite Demo
All Deaf site
It was developed in December 2004.
This program can...
Ah...I found the problem of thumbnail batch program with UFBOT program due to UFBOT program was waiting for the thumbnail batch program to exit, but the thumbnail batch program didn't exit.
I am going to launch new UFBOT BETA. It will work on Unlimited Flash site automatically with new updates, security (anti-hackers and fliters) and traffic control for 24/7/356. Also, it can restart Unlimited Flash server automatically if the server crashes. If it can't restart the server...
new domain
I registered flashplayer3.net/com. They are under Unlimited Flash and use the Unlimited Flash sources like BOT, but they use different layout not like Unlimited Flash. Their layout will look like more bright such as white more (example: http://addictinggames.com/). I will work on a...
I removed "INC" in all pages such as games, movies, alphabet index and etc. It will be a blank until update of flash size and rating. Thank you for your feedback.
I will try to complete all score and date index on this weekened. Next weekened, I will start working on categories. When I finish it then I can make the main page with new flash movies and games, top 100, categories and popular flash movies and games.
Unlimited Flash is up =). I checked how much space it uses. It is 60GB used space for flash files, thumbnails and sources. It is big. It has 43,607 flash movies and 9,892 flash games = 53,499 flash files now. It is still growing.
Unlimited Flash is down for a short temporary due to web hosting company is going to upgrade a portion of network to the high standard of redundancy and performance.
I added "Link Exchange". If you want to add your website link on my website then go to Submit
After you submit then you can check your link in Unlimited Flash Link Exchange list here
I improved UFBOT...Unlimited Flash has UFBOT crawler 1.0 (BETA). It's cool and works for me by updating my website and building to expand resources.
I have some screenshots of what UFBOT crawler 1.0 emailed me automatically about flash information =).
UFBOT crawler sent this email...
I decided that all thumbnails, which are "M" or "A", will be censored. When you enter "M" or "A" flash movie/game page then it will ask you for the agreement (at least 18 or older.) After that, all M and A thumbnails will be uncensored.
I tested score index script. It worked well and reliable. I built top 500 beta, but I set top limit is 150 due to I need to make pages for 500 ranks.
You can check top 500 page.
Finally, I found the one problem in score index (automated computer program's script). I figured it out for 2 days. Now, I can fix it today =). After that, possibly, I can test it on website and visitors can use a score index page.