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  1. Tetracyclone

    Background noise uhh

    It's frustrating. it's life with hearing loss.
  2. Tetracyclone

    "GBLT LOUNGE" excludes everyone else

    Lysander, Never apologize without knowing the content of a person's beef with you. You may have nothing to apologize for. I Suggest you will be better off ignoring anyone who complains often. meanwhile, I do have distain for people who apologize too much...:laugh2:
  3. Tetracyclone

    What to say when people ask if your hearing loss is real?

    Is it real? Naa, It's just an excuse not to listen to fools. (Make good eye contact here)
  4. Tetracyclone

    Handicapped Parking Permits & Deaf people

    Still, she should get a point or 2 for effort.
  5. Tetracyclone

    How long before i stop thinking in english?

    Very true. I assume ASL retention resides more in n area used by the visual cortex. I learned French and began Spanish as a young person with normal hearing. I became fluent in Spanish under conditions of major hearing loss but it was possible because the accent and structure had been learned...
  6. Tetracyclone

    Solar eclipse on aug 21, 2017

    :( Only get 60%. Still, In 1997 I was in Bogatá Colombia during a total eclipse, which took me by surprise. At 7000 ft altitude the light was truly strange and amazing. Sorry about all the hype. I hope you folks in the total area can just get up on your roofs and feel a private connection...
  7. Tetracyclone

    How long before i stop thinking in english?

    As deafducky says, it depends on the person. At some point if you were able to immerse yourself in ASL, you would get confused in either language for a few days before shifting into thinking in the language. If you love the visual language you can train yourself to use it to "talk to...
  8. Tetracyclone

    Hello everyone...

    Wow! Lots going on in your nation. Welcome, George.
  9. Tetracyclone

    Looking for a deaf relationship.

    To attract interest you'd best tell us about yourself.
  10. Tetracyclone


    I do not need further character building. I would prefer the cure, as well as for all humans to SLOW DOWN, and not just speech.
  11. Tetracyclone

    If there were a cure for hearing loss would you take it

    LMAO! Don't forget your superior capability with telekinesis.
  12. Tetracyclone

    Are they real or not?

    such folks can be trolls, or pretenders. You may wonder why anyone cares to pretend to be dear online but there are all manner of pretenders lurking around many sites. I suppose they get a charge out of deceiving others. Shrug. I wait to communicate by PM until I've been interested by enough...
  13. Tetracyclone


    It is quite difficult and stressful on both sides. Hearing people who try to adapt to the HOH/deaf later in life find their habits and expectations extremely difficult to change. hubby and I endure this daily. I initiate conversation before I get my hearing ids in. Duh. Later in the day...
  14. Tetracyclone

    Obtaining long term disability benefits from employer insurance company

    PS- If you have many years ahead until retirement think hard about seeking or training for work that can be done without hearing. Life without participation in the world of work is hard on self-esteem and deeply isolating. Social isolation= a bad thing.
  15. Tetracyclone

    School and trans

    Given what you say about your family you are in a delicate situation, currently protected by your family's denial of what is in front of them. The closet can be a safe place until you are of legal age because right now your parents have all the power, unless they were to physically abuse you...
  16. Tetracyclone

    Deaf for charity

    That seems an idea worth testing. What if you could turn it into a charity challenge where hearing people could also join by wearing noise cancel headphones? They could ask for pledges from their friends and family to support a deaf school or two in a poor country. It would be a great project...
  17. Tetracyclone

    O.J. Simpson Not Getting A Retrial, Nevada Supreme Court Rules

    I watch a video from the hearing. He is an old guy now and like so many who played football, he has some limitations with walking.
  18. Tetracyclone

    Illinois school for the deaf?

    Something that frustrates me but happens a lot- the OP has not checked in since starting the thread.