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  1. xsuperchick

    My Pics =$

    That'd be sweet, I'll tell them :D Thanks!
  2. xsuperchick

    AllDeaf Forum Random Pictures

    Hahah yes :( But my mom and sister cooked more today! :P I'll eat them all :giggle:
  3. xsuperchick

    hi, newbie here

    Welcome! :D
  4. xsuperchick

    Newbie with WS from the UK

    welcome! :D
  5. xsuperchick


  6. xsuperchick

    AllDeaf Forum Random Pictures

    Hahah cute! :D
  7. xsuperchick

    My Pics =$

    Anytime! :D
  8. xsuperchick

    I am not nice.

  9. xsuperchick

    21st Birthday soon...plans?

    80's! ...or 90's with those funny hairstyles! :P You can make fun of everyone and had a great birthday :P
  10. xsuperchick

    Nice to meet you all!

    Yeah, I understand :) Same happens here but with other words. Spanish is a complicated language with lipreading. :wave:
  11. xsuperchick

    Hello Everyone from Maine!

    Welcome! :D
  12. xsuperchick

    Hi from Australia

    I believe you're a great mom, but don't call it "hearing impaired" 'cause being Deaf is awesome and he will learn that if you teach him that this is a culture and there's nothing wrong with it. Welcome :)
  13. xsuperchick

    See What I'm Saying

    Cool! :D Now I know a little about ASL :P I'll have to do my own version of that song on BSL moahaha!
  14. xsuperchick

    Can you learn to lipread online?

    I have to look at their eyes so they know I'm being seroius about what I'm saying and then I look at their lips. It's kinda annoying.
  15. xsuperchick

    Nice to meet you all!

    Oooh I'm sorry :( What's going on with me? I usually read before I click "post quick reply" but now I'm not thinking right :( My bad. And I'm not hearing :shock:
  16. xsuperchick


    :gpost: & Welcome.
  17. xsuperchick

    Newly Deaf and forever gay

    :welcome: to AD! :D Enjoy it! :D
  18. xsuperchick

    What did you learn today?

    Sorry for answering late. I'm a cashier and I lost around $15 :( It's a lot of money here! I'm partially deaf going completely deaf soon. I'm not a trouble at work 'cause I can read lips and I try my best to understand everybody, but still, my supervisor told me I won't use the cash machine...
  19. xsuperchick

    What are the plans for the first date ?

    Yeah! :gpost: That's why I said :giggle:
  20. xsuperchick

    GOGOS Toy

    Hahah! Your granddaughter is very lucky!