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  1. xsuperchick

    My Trip to Peru

    Come to Trujillo :D
  2. xsuperchick


    Welcome to AD :D
  3. xsuperchick


    Welcome to All Deaf :D
  4. xsuperchick

    Happy Earth Day April 22!!!

    Happy Bi-Earth Day!! :D My nephew came home telling me all the things he learnt today about the Earth. How lovely :)
  5. xsuperchick

    New HoH

  6. xsuperchick

    Hello from Arizona

    Welcome!! :D
  7. xsuperchick

    More hellos from Arizona

    Welcome to AD!
  8. xsuperchick

    New from SUNY Suffolk

    Welcome to AD!
  9. xsuperchick

    is everyone here from america?

    Yay! :wave:
  10. xsuperchick

    finally found people I can relate to, woohoo!

    Welcome to AD! :D :wave:
  11. xsuperchick

    What did you learn today?

    :( I'm not normal...
  12. xsuperchick

    New HOH Member

    Welcome, Paula! :wave:
  13. xsuperchick

    Hello long time been on here. old user

    A little girl signing! That's always cute :D Welcome back with your new nickname :P
  14. xsuperchick

    Hello long time been on here. old user

    A little girl signing! That's always cute :D Welcome back with your new nickname :P
  15. xsuperchick

    The Deaf Community....COULD SOMEONE HELP ME
  16. xsuperchick

    Learn to read and write foreign languages

    Spanish is a wonderful language! :D Go for it!
  17. xsuperchick

    hiya guys. new hearing person

    Welcome to AD! :)
  18. xsuperchick


    Oohh little Demons :P She's just "a kid" so I won't think about that yet :P It's going to sound weird, but my cat is black but really sweet, so I named her "Demon" because I don't think all demons are bad :lol: mine isn't :giggle: It's a fallacy! :cool2:
  19. xsuperchick


    2 months :D
  20. xsuperchick

    new here
