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  1. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    I think April 13th or so, I have a mapping appointment on April 18th so hopefully I'll get to see it then.
  2. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Couple of things, yes I am in the States, and I am very fortunate and grateful for the insurance that I do have. Left ear: Completely Deaf Right ear: Downward spiraling fluctuations. I have seen multiple doctors at various institutions and all have said to me that sudden hearing loss is...
  3. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    I don't mind elaborating. Basically, the auto-immune inner ear disease is really not a solid diagnosis. Basically comes down to using other issues within your body to conclude that the hearing loss is related. It's rare, so there is not much out there to support it, however there are...
  4. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Mayo was very efficient. I was not kept overnight. I checked into the hospital at 9:00am, and was on my way home at 4:30pm. I feel like I am recovering ok, get some discomfort but the pain meds take care of it. Feel pretty tired still, but it's only been 4 days. I did not look into any...
  5. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Hey all, I'm new. Writing this one day post op of my Cochlear Implant. My case seems to be pretty unique and I had difficult time finding others in my situation. I experienced sudden hearing loss in my left ear 1.5 years ago, within 3 days I was completely deaf in my left ear. Tried steroids...
  6. P

    CI clinic ratings?

    I just had mine done at Mayo, very impressed with their team considering my circumstances. My commute is 1.5 hours one way, feel it's a small price to pay.