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  1. P

    custom molds vs domes

    I have a custom mold and domes for my Phonak Bolero BTEs. Right now my programming is setup for my custom mold, but I've swapped back to the dome because it sounds better to me, go figure. So far the molds just sound hollow, but with the dome not so much. But my hearing loss is constantly...
  2. P

    Got my Phonak Cros today!

    I had a the CROS setup for a little about a month, I really liked the setup (then my hearing crapped out and there was the end of that!) I lost hearing in my left ear suddenly, and for a year I lived with it. I was contemplating a BAHA, but then my right ear started to give me problems, since...
  3. P

    CI Mapping Advice...anyone relate?

    Ok so I've been activated for 4 months now, things are doing well and I go in for another mapping in September. I'm trying to take some mental notes as I go for the next mapping as I can tell I'm starting to understand what I am hearing. Speech recognition is about 60%, better when it's a...
  4. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Yes they are, I just found the link: RONDO Limited-Time Offer I will be calling tomorrow to see if I can get "grand-fathered" into this, my activation was in late March.
  5. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Interesting, I'll have to give Med-El a call to confirm.
  6. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Thought I would give this thread a bump! I was at the CI audi last week and got a chance to get my hands on the Rondo, needless to say mine should be arriving shortly ;) Here is it on my head, certainly larger as expected, I've got a good looking scar too! Uploaded with On...
  7. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Rondo Offically Launched They have a few videos of adults wearing it, even shows a person using the phone with the phone at the ear like normal. Med-el has launched website updates that coincide with the Rondo launch. Hopefully I can get a good look at it in-person...
  8. P

    CI Companies

    You get your choice of the BTE (Opus 2) or Rondo. You get two processors, so I have two BTEs but I can exchange one for the Rondo if I so choose. Certainly won't fit under a ball cap. Considering it's the first of it's kind, can't complain too much IMO.
  9. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Someone put the .pdf on dropbox The old guy wearing it looks like it's thinner, the pdf shows it as actual size too.
  10. P

    CI Companies

    Yup, I've seen that.
  11. P

    CI Companies

    Why wouldn't you consider Med-El? I went with Med-El (implanted 2/27/2013, activated 3/26/2013), and interestingly enough I passed by them originally too. Guess I got caught up in all the marketing hype that comes along with CI implants. I was all about AB until I talked with the surgeon and...
  12. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    Bummer the link is now broken, the pdf has more info in it than the news release from November. I am thinking about getting one, waiting until the CI center gets a unit I can touch and stick to my head t get a feel for size. I wear glasses, and I think it would be more comfortable...
  13. P

    Medel - Rondo Info

    See link:
  14. P

    Pimp'in your CI/HA

    I think it would be no problem on the AB Neptune. But processors with buttons, certainly not a good idea. But any snap-on type accessories I think it would be easy. For the D-coil, the Med-El seems to be a solid-one piece unit (don't have mine yet), just not sure about removing the magnet, and...
  15. P

    Pimp'in your CI/HA

    With my upcoming CI activation I've been thinking about how to possibly customize my CI. I have seen this new process called "dipping", where it involves a film with a pre-printed pattern which floats on top of water. You then dip a part down into the film through the water and pull it out...
  16. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    I don't think DeafAlex in any way tried to tell you to pick up and leave Canada as a solution. I don't understand why you are defensive of her statement, after all the comments are factual, and the statement did include sympathetic comments due to the differences between the healthcare systems...
  17. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Prefer not to get into details in a public forum. Since we can't PM shoot me an email at my junk mail account philmccrackinjunk at Send me your contact info then I'll respond via my real email so we can chat privately.
  18. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Do you have options for 2nd, 3rd opinions? I don't know how it works in Canada, but here in the States you are free to do what you want, pending insurance items you may pay more or less depending insurance preferred providers. But if you don't like what one doc has to say, you move onto one...
  19. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    I keep trying to add to the discussion, but some posts are "flagged" for the moderator, others are not. Why?? EDIT: Think I got around it, is it a post length thing??? ------------------------------- Nevermind my post now appears
  20. P

    Auto Immune Inner Ear Disease - CI

    Deleted - redundant due to waiting for mods to approve posts.