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  1. K


    If you are the last human on earth you will be dead within a couple of years. Unlike some animals like tigers and sharks. Humans can only survive in a community. It is very rare for a human to survive on its own. Don't believe everything you see on the silver screen.
  2. K

    No Marriage

    As for the EQ story question. I think it is crap. It is a made-up bedtime story to fool gullible children.
  3. K

    No Marriage

    You can't file married filing jointly on your 1040. So you will have to pay more tax. A lot things will go terribly wrong! what are you suggesting?!
  4. K

    Anyone Know Deaf Attending Public Colleges?

    I went to a public college with 40,000 students in Northern California. I had terp and cart and I made friends with hearing students. It was the best 4 years of my life.
  5. K

    iPhone + CI = ?

    I bought a RAZR 2 over the iPhone after my activation. I can't hear anything on the iPhone but the RAZR's sound quality is super clear!
  6. K

    advanced bionics t-mic ear hook

    My t-mic ear hook just died on me. It served me well for less than 110 days :( I called advanced bionics customer support and found out that a new t-mic is $100 dollars. Ouch! I'm not even sure if my insurance will pay for it. For those of you with CIs. How do you deal with your CI parts...
  7. K

    Should we impeach Bush?

    yes or no?
  8. K

    Should Prostitute Be Legal?

    male yes, female no. =)
  9. K

    Wedding Ring

    Take it off. I'm sure Andrew wants you to date other men after he passed away. Move on when you are ready.
  10. K

    Hearies view on a CI kid... its a bummer

    Psychologist? Attorney? Wow. That's a bit of overkill isn't it? I couldn't speak that well and I had interpreters through out middle and high school. Not once my hearing classmates made fun of me nor any other deaf kids in my school. My teachers said nothing but good things on my IEP...
  11. K


    I'm back from my second mapping. With a difference! I am now hearing sooo much better. On my way back to my office I stopped by at taco bell to get my lunch. I can hear clearly everything the counter girl was asking me. It was 10 times better than my hearing aids. I can't wait for my next...
  12. K


    Thanks Abbie. I totally didn't realize I'm supposed to put the tmic on the side ways and then twist it into position. I don't have much detail about my mapping but my second appointment is tomorrow. I can't wait! =)
  13. K


    hey ya all. I got activated last friday and I'm happy to report that everything is doing pretty well. Abbie, I know exactly what you are talking about when you said everything sounds so different. When I first hear my audiologist speak, she sounded like she was speaking throught a thin pipe...
  14. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    thanks Abbie. Hope your ear pain go away soon. =)
  15. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Hey R2D2. I have the new advanced bionics implant. What about you?
  16. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    hey guys. I'm back from the hospital. my surgery was a bit complicated and had to stay over night for observation. I was bleeding internally from my ear into my lungs so I couldn't breath and my oxygen level was pretty low. The doc send me back to the surgery room again to patch the internal...
  17. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Yeah I'm totally excited. I think my hearing and speech discrimination is a bit worse than yours. Both my ears are about the same so I just decided to implant my left one. When is your activation?
  18. K

    Show off your desktop v.711

    too mess to show =)
  19. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    yep. This will be my first one. How much can you hear with HA?
  20. K

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Hi Abbie, I too, will have my CI surgery this Friday. Lets share stories =)