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  1. J

    Odd question for you guys....

    Ty :-p
  2. J

    Odd question for you guys....

    lol me host a website!?!?!?! i cant even manage my myspace account hehehe
  3. J

    don't you hate it when....

    :cry: awww thats sad thing to say...
  4. J

    Sidekick2 got SPAM!!

    your sk shouldnt be recieving any spam point period.. When I was employed with tmobile I was part of sk/sk2 development team (known as hiptop else where) and tmobile has certain filters inplace inwhich the spam is caught unless you sign up for something by mistake then your sk should never...
  5. J

    don't you hate it when....

    I hate when I see my gf for week, then she disappers for 2wk and no tell anyone.... GRRRR cuz her mom and sis all come to me asking me to go drive up to west va and get her
  6. J

    Odd question for you guys....

    Hehe yea, lot of ppl respond to my posting on And my first response is u hoh or deaf... and they get so angry.... oh well I dont think its rude of me just my preference
  7. J

    Odd question for you guys....

    Wow no comments nothing????
  8. J

    Odd question for you guys....

    I feel its an odd question atleast. Im looking into getting a townhouse and I would to get a roommate to just help with some bills not even really pay rent, just help with bills. But I want an HOH or Deaf roomie. How would I even go about looking for one, and not be rude to hearing and say no...
  9. J

    Addict to eBay, anyone?

    im addicted to ebay so badly. I even have programs on my computer that wait until about 2mins before close of bids that will attack other bidders and out bid em.... lol
  10. J

    Three unbelievable Clerks

    it usually only does clerk has receipt when u use a debit... I try and only use cash now because my bank double charges me then returns the extra charge but its to late cuz they caused a dam over draft!!
  11. J


    Im not trying to push my beliefs or do anything like that in front of children.. I feel ppl who do that in front of children or even try and push it on ppl are the ones who give anything in this world a bad rap. As for turning to god, I really can not see myself doing that, as if it cannot be...
  12. J

    From windows crap to linux, which is the easiet to learn??

    I ran knopixx for a lil while the live cd on my old system I didnt really like it to much. But now on my gateway 200 arc laptop i have windows vista (beta ver) and im really sick of windows in general i would like to convert back to linux but I want the flexibility of windows and all that jaz...
  13. J

    Three unbelievable Clerks

    Requirement for that position is you have to be over 16 a hs drop out and willing to make 5.15 an hr :-P
  14. J

    Three unbelievable Clerks

    wouldnt surprise me much if that was the case....
  15. J

    How Long Can You Last?

    wow i sux 13.26 lol
  16. J

    Three unbelievable Clerks

    Your so mean BOWAK.... That was probably me :-) i cant keep myself from touching my gf, lol
  17. J

    Pot Smokin memories

    LMAO!!! I didnt know there were many smokers on this board... Dang why cant I find any you guys around Orlando to hang out with.... My smoken times always just end up with a bunch of ppl get really stupid and i end up passing out and waking up with stuff drawn on my face... Best one was a giant...
  18. J

    Three unbelievable Clerks

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Every gas station i have ever gone to has always had idiots working there. I guess you dont even need a secondary school education to be employed by em... But thats the major down fall of this country now, lack of education which horrible sucks!
  19. J


    Here in fl if your caught with even a joint roach of pot it is a manditory 100hrs of community service, along with 72hrs in jail... I only know cuz my roommate f'd up, and I had to give him the boot. But i agree there is more pros then cons when it comes to marijuana. But there are ALOT of...