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  1. PowerON

    Thieves Sought in Brutal Attack on Deaf Man

    Look like he was on videophone when two guys kick his ass up.
  2. PowerON

    8 years old deaf boy say being deaf no limit

    Hope doctors listen to this media before decide to tell the parents with newly deaf baby.
  3. PowerON

    Cat killer won't be charged for animal cruelty

    Why? There are too many cat out there. I would prefer you complain on China for eat cats.
  4. PowerON

    Confederate Flag

    I would say it's KKK fault for use Confederate, they abuse it to make it sound like racist. Thing is out of control. Oh-boo!
  5. PowerON

    Restaurant see profits triple after ditch tipping

    Eh? Chili's is American/Texans food. I hear Chili's in northeast are crap than here in Texas. LMAOOOoooo
  6. PowerON

    Bacon-Eating, Lingerie-Wearing 115-Year-Old

    Another centenarian who is bacon-lover. Go bacon-eating!
  7. PowerON

    Restaurant see profits triple after ditch tipping

    You never had carryout at restaurant such as Chili's, etc? :eek3:
  8. PowerON

    VRI or Live Interpreter?

    I see the issues with VRI if it's at the place that have noise level. It make difficult from the audio/speaker than the live terp.
  9. PowerON

    Restaurant see profits triple after ditch tipping

    Different region, different tactile business. That's interesting!
  10. PowerON

    Confederate Flag

    Turn out, there are about 50% American-African are free in Confederate. Suppose, their time, their media were misled? LOL
  11. PowerON

    Restaurant see profits triple after ditch tipping

    Never hear of it. It doesn't exist in my region. Your region must be terrible. :hmm: and no, Reba, there is no such a charge at Chinese Buffet. They just have different cost on per pound to go.
  12. PowerON

    New $10 bill.... who cares...

    1. Person need to be dead already 2. Polite relate, not hollywood