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  1. quirkylibra

    A Weekend Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    Friday I went scuba diving in Bonaire and had drinks at the pool. Sat, I was stranded at the airport and on planes. I got home at 5am this morning and relaxed all day!
  2. quirkylibra

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    :wave: I've never been there! I would love to go one day! Look nice from what I have seen! I hope you are having fun!
  3. quirkylibra

    What your favorite state when you visit?

    Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, California
  4. quirkylibra

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    :wave: I really missed my mobile!
  5. quirkylibra

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    Just got back from vacation and I had a great time!
  6. quirkylibra

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Am thinkking my back went out a day before vacation. I'm trying everything! :(
  7. quirkylibra

    5 Things

    1. My back hurts 2. I'm excited about my vacation 3. I'm also nervous about the scuba test 4. I also had Subway for dinner and lunch too! (Split a ft long) 5. Been feeling lonely lately
  8. quirkylibra

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    I feel like an old lady today. :lol: Back and knee pain!
  9. quirkylibra

    And - another birthday wish for.....

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. quirkylibra

    The Tea or Coffee Game

    Neither :) veggies! Sweet or salty?
  11. quirkylibra

    The Tea or Coffee Game

    I want both, but I guess I pick hugs! PDA or private?
  12. quirkylibra

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    :lol: Idk if you'll ever find peace and solitude! If you do, send me some! :D
  13. quirkylibra

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    2pm is a perfect time for more coffee! :)
  14. quirkylibra

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Yes that will help! Some behind the ears helps too because it's close to the nose, but under the nose can make it run! :) If you put a glob of the vaporub on a wet washcloth in the shower before bed you will sleep well!
  15. quirkylibra

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Anything minty on a washcloth in the shower (steamy) works well, Vicks, peppermint oil, mint tea :lol: sounds silly but it works! :)
  16. quirkylibra

    AllDeaf's Biggest Loser

    :cheers: Great job! I have been doing an awful job! :lol:
  17. quirkylibra

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

    I can't stop thinking about my bed!
  18. quirkylibra

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Bonaire, yes :)
  19. quirkylibra

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

    Feel better!!!!!! :D
  20. quirkylibra

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    Austramerican style :hug: :giggle: