Search results

  1. Chase

    A Deafie's Pet Peeve About Living Among The Hearies

    This isn't a pet peeve, but a hearie phrase that sometimes backfires on 'em: I was in line to checkout at a grocery store. Unknown to me, a clerk several registers away was calling to me to come to her empty register. I'm usually more alert, but this time I was lost going over my grocery list...
  2. Chase

    Did you vote?

    Here in Oregon, we vote by mail. No lines, no waiting. In fact, Kay and I voted several days ago so we could kick back and wait for the good news. :applause:
  3. Chase

    Where are you from??

    I was born and raised in Montana and worked there most of my life but have retired to Albany, Oregon. The largest face-to-face deaf community in this state is twenty-five miles to the north in Salem, the capital city where Oregon School for the Deaf is located. However, because I don't know...
  4. Chase

    If you get bullied at school or work

    Reba is so right! I was in the army ten years, taught in high school for six, and college for twenty. I saw lots of bullies and victims, and sometimes victims who became bullies by overreacting with profanity and negative behaviors. Yes, victims can rise above the childish actions of bullies...
  5. Chase

    Competitive deafness

    Because I'm late deafened and speak "well" (which includes "articulate" or "educated" because I was a long-time English teacher), many hearing people don't really believe I'm deaf and "forget" to communicate with a few accommodations so I can understand. To remind them, I sign when I'm speaking...
  6. Chase

    Everyday dangers of being deaf

    Oh, yeah. As provoked as I become at the occasional insensitive hearie, my wife bristles at them like a cat ready to attack. As for home alert devices, our local fire department installed flashing lights on our upstairs and downstairs smoke alarms at no cost to us. To let me know when visitors...
  7. Chase

    What type of hearing device do you use?

    SDH = subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.
  8. Chase

    ASL Learner in Salem, Oregon

    Hello, Jasmine. With Oregon's school for the deaf in Salem, you should meet lots and lots of people signing ASL. Good luck.
  9. Chase

    "deaf Takes A Holiday" Available At

    Thank you. If I get a request from a library with an address, I will mail them a free book.
  10. Chase

    What type of hearing device do you use?

    My hearing devices are my sweetie :kiss:who signs to me, texts, or speaks in short, clear, easy-to-read sentences. My other hearing devices are closed captions on commercial TV :applause:and SDH subtitles on DVDs :giggle:.
  11. Chase

    "deaf Takes A Holiday" Available At

    I appreciate those AllDeaf members who read DEAF TAKES A HOLIDAY. Please consider posting a review of the novel at Amazon: Thank you, Chase
  12. Chase

    How Does Being Deaf Help You?

    It's already been said, but not being bothered by noise pollution is a real plus. I live in a train town, and the blast horns crossing every street. It wakes my wife--but not me. There are always traffic noises I don't have to put up with. I work at home as a book editor and need to...
  13. Chase

    Charlotte Rioting Is Awful

    Very true.
  14. Chase

    This Looks Like One Bad Racist Police Shooting An Unarmed Black Man

    This has lots less to do with accountability of the police officer and a move to reduce the crazy reactions of those who want an excuse to riot and pillage. It's a smart move, one that I would welcome if I were the police officer. This entire thing needs due process of law, not the lynch mob...
  15. Chase

    This Looks Like One Bad Racist Police Shooting An Unarmed Black Man

    Even if this undocumented "statistic" is true, "unarmed" does not mean not dangerous. Some of those shot were strenuously resisting in other ways, some were trying to reach for the officer's sidearm, and some were keeping their hands hidden or in pockets. Criminals can kill or injure the public...
  16. Chase

    This Looks Like One Bad Racist Police Shooting An Unarmed Black Man

    What a thoughtless and dangerous generalization, Whatdidyousay! And shame on most of the other posters above for agreeing with such a horribly unfair knee-jerk position. It's idiotic to say "police are doing it to themselves." 1. The police being ambushed, wounded, and killed had nothing to do...
  17. Chase


    CDL versus regular driver's license. I had a commercial driver's license before I began to lose my hearing, but I was able to renew it during the twenty years of progressively worse HOH. However, in 2001 when I became totally deaf, I was denied renewal of my long-standing CDL strictly on the...
  18. Chase

    Hi, My Name Is Marie, I Am Deaf And Am Looking For New Friends

    :welcome:, Marie. Sorry you were teased about being deaf. I was teased about being so handsome. :eek: :fingersx::rolleyes: (crossed fingers to hide a lie--not an "R" :mrgreen: ). I guess we all have our crosses to bear. Nice to meet you, and that's the truth. :yesway::yesway:
  19. Chase

    Nc Deaf Man Shot While Trying To Asl

    Good reasoning, Reba. It's the same reason I don't want any signage on my car. I'm a US Army vet, a life member of NRA, am planning to vote, and am deaf. How sad would it be if my wife were a victim of road rage by a driver who's anti-military or anti-gun? Someone who hates either or both '16...
  20. Chase

    Nc Deaf Man Shot While Trying To Asl

    I'm going to be watching this with great interest. Thanks for your helpful alerts, Reba. I fear the reality is the audist/surdophobic mentality will make it the deaf or hoh man's fault. Meanwhile, I'm not victim-blaming, but to stay alive, deaf driver's should stay aware of activity in all...